Organized by Revistia, ICMS XXXII - 32nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on "Recent Studies and Research" will be held at the premises of "Université libre de Bruxelles" on 24-25 February as IN-PERSON and ONLINE. We provide online real-time oral presentation opportunity for all authors. There will be offline presentations on the Interactive Author Forum Platform with pre-recorded videos and slides as well. Contributions in economics, education, language, law, health, engineering, environment and multidisciplinary topics will be presented at he conference and published in the proceedings book (ISBN) as well as in (indexed) journal volumes. This conference introduces also a featured topic "Populism Reloaded?". You are welcome to present and publish your work as well.
We are glad to announce that the organization of ICMS XXXII Brussels is a success. ICMS brings together 63 authors from 16 countries: Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, United States.
32nd International Multidisciplinary Conference
"Recent Studies and Research"
24-25 February 2023
All participants were serious scholars, doing cutting-edge work in their respective fields
Dear Members of the Organizing Committee: I am writing to congratulate you on a most impressive Conference. I wish to report that all the sessions that I attended were most excellent: all participants were serious scholars, doing cutting-edge work in...
Stanley Tweyman, Prof. Dr.University Professor, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Conference that Challenged Thinking and Afforded Dialogue on Cutting Edge Ideas
The ICMS XXIII was an excellent conference that challenged thinking and afforded dialogue on cutting edge ideas to propel the generation of new knowledge and its impact. The range of topics was extensive that allowed the depth and breadth of...
Alison Taysum, External Examiner University of Ulster, London Campus, United Kingdom.
No doubt ICMS XXV California was one of the very best
Over the years and decades have I attended conferences in several countries and continents. No doubt ICMS XXV California was one of the very best. Atmosphere in that conference was warm and supportive. Those presentations delivered were interesting and profound....
Matti Itkonen, Prof. Dr. University of Jyväskylä, Yliopisto, Finland
The system of ICMS XXV has flexibly adapted to today\'s expectations
The system of ICMS XXV has flexibly adapted to today\'s expectations: in addition to the real-time oral presentations performed in virtual rooms, offline lectures as a relatively new option have eliminated not only distances, but also time-limits, constantly maintaining professionalism.
Anna Perge, MA/MScFaculty of Health, University of Miskolc
I have participated several times, satisfied with both the implementation and the professional quality
The ICSS XXII Conference provides an excellent opportunity to conduct scientific exchanges on research findings in the social sciences. I have participated in the conferences organized by the REVISTIA organization several times as presenter, but I have always been very...
Dr. Balazs Hohmann, University of Pécs, Hungary
Quality timely cultural, business communication and assistance
Experience through many years of cooperation and participation in ICEB XXIII is at a high professional, scientific and business level, which has resulted in quality timely cultural, business communication and assistance removing possible ambiguities to the authors.Therefore, I would like...
Goran Sucic, Izv. prof. dr. sc. University of Split, Croatia
A very interesting experience again, having participated in yet another of the ICMS events
For me, it has been a very interesting experience again, having participated in yet another of the ICMS events. I hope that you will soon be able to attend a face-to-face conference, as it is a space where ideas are...
Luis Fernando Muñoz González, PhDUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Uam)
Thanks to the organizers to connect participants across the World.
It was really an enchanting experience while participating in the conference. Thanks to the organizers to connect participants across the world.
Sasilatha T, Prof. Dr. AMET University, Tamil Nadu, India.
I would recommend the other colleagues to take part
It was a pleasure to participate in the ICMS XXVI conference. The conference was well organized, All the instrunctions and the information regarding the conference opening, proceedings book and journal publishing were clear and were sent on time. Since it...
Antonija Šarić, Assist. Prof. Dr.Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Meeting colleagues from different countries
It was a pleasure to take part in ICMS XXIV-Brussels international conference and have the possibility to meet colleagues from different countries to exchange research findings and discuss current practices related to education in the 21st century.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soraya Garcia-Esteban, Universidad De Alcala, Spain
A very interesting and enriching experience
This congress has been a very interesting and enriching experience for me. I have found very attractive papers from very different fields. I have met researchers from other countries. I would like to repeat it in a next edition.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, University of Murcia, Spain
Undoubtedly ICMS XXV, California has set a new standard of excellence for conferences held online
It is the second time I have participated in a scientific event organized by Revistia. Undoubtedly ICMS XXV, California has set a new standard of excellence for conferences held online. It provided a comprehensive scientific platform where experts from around...
Valentina Haxhiymeri (Xhafa), Prof. Dr.Haxhiymeri
A well organized and worth-attending conference
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate during the ICMS XXV conference. This was well organized and worth-attending conference. Please keep me updated of the forth-coming conferences. Congratulations and sincere thanks are due to the organizing committee for...
Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka, Prof. Dr.University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa Campus, Richards Bay, South Africa
Happy with all services and their care
I am happy with all services and their care to me as a participant.
Azadeh Mehrpouyan, Assist. Prof. Dr.
I encourage researchers to be part of the future Revistia events
Excellent conference , I encourage researchers to be part of the future Revistia events. I have participated many times in the wonderful conferences organised by Revistia since 2018: my first participation was in the ICSS XIV, 14th International Conference on...
Salhi Roumeissa, PhD. Cand.Department of Civil Engineering, University 20 Aout, Skikda, Algeria
A wonderful conference
I thank the whole team for their efforts during this wonderful conference
Mokeddem Allal, PhD LecturerUniversity of Algeries 3, Department of Management and Technology
Precise instructions on everything
Thank you for attending the conference, which was well organized. We received precise instructions on everything. The presentations were interesting and meaningful. We are happy to attend it at other times as well.
Andrea Rucska Dr ., PhDFaculty of Health Sciences, University of Miskolc
Excellent presentations of all authors from different research fields
I would like to express my positive experience as speaker in XXV ICMS South California 2021. The multidisciplinar spirit of this congress met greatly the soul that characterize the application of the integrated analytic approach in science. The excellent presentations...
Davide Rossi, PhDDepartment of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy
An excellent experience with the diversity it offered with the topics
The ICIS XXIII conference I attended for the first time with my colleague was an excellent experience for me with the diversity it offered with the topics. In addition to that each process of the conference was smooth and the...
Kuğu Tekin, PhD, Atılım University, Turkey
Interesting papers by highly qualified participants
I have been participating in conferences organized by REVISTIA for several years. All conferences, including the ICED XXIII -23rd International Conference on Education held in Brussels, were organized at a high level. Interesting papers were presented by highly qualified participants...
Tea Kasradze, PhD, Caucasus International University, Georgia
Interesting presentations
I have participated in ICMS XXV (California) and also in previous editions. The balance I make is very satisfactory. First of all, I always find interesting presentations on my area of research. Secondly, the topics of the presentations are very...
Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, Assist. Prof. Dr.University of Murcia
Probably one of the most efficient conferences
The ICMS is probably one of the most efficient conferences I have attended so far. Wonderful organization, amazing atmosphere and great network. Thank you!
Prof. Dr. Valentina Chkoniya, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Possibility of meeting researchers from other countries
I am very satisfied with ICED XXIII Conference. I would like to highlight the good organisation of the conference, the quality of the plenary sessions and round tables, the interest of the papers presented and the possibility of meeting researchers...
Possibility of meeting researchers from other countries
Rapid and professional publication process
I am happy to have an article published in Revistia. The article submission and publication process was rapid and professional. I received important comments from the reviewers which helped to improve the quality of the article. Moreover, I really appreciate...
Ute Steenkamp, University of South Africa
A well-organized activity
A very nice experience. A well-organized activity.
Ismail Tafani, PhD, Albanian University
High academic level
It was a very good experience to attend this conference. The academic level was very high and the results obtained will further affect my studies.
Denis Bizhga, Albania
It was an enriching experience
It was my pleasure to attend the 25th International Conference "Ideas and Research on Recent Issues". It was an enriching experience,where colleagues from different countries presented a wide range of diversity of topics. Thank you for the organization of such...
Edit Xhajanka, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Faculty of Dental Medicine
Well organized and timely
The 24th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (Brussels) was an important occasion of sharing of own scientific results inside the academic community and not only. It was very well organized and I would like to emphasize that the publication of...
Somenzari, Researcher, University of Torino, Italy
Enriching experience, high degree of organization and professionalism
The ICMS XXIV event was a very enriching experience, both in the academic sphere and in interdisciplinary exchange. I have participated in several Revistia events, and in all of them I can appreciate the enriching experience with high degree of...
Dr. Luis Fernando M. Gonzalez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico
I would like join the next edition
This congress has been a very interesting and enriching experience for me. I have found very attractive papers from very different fields. I have met researchers from other countries. I would like to repeat it in a next edition.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, University of Murcia, Spain
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