The range of the papers gives you the opportunity to discover novelties in various areas
The 25th International Multidisciplinary Conference “Recent Research and Ideas” ICMS XXVI Ghent 10-11 December 2012 provided a great opportunity to exchange scientific experience. The range of the papers gives you the opportunity to discover novelties in various areas. Furthermore, the peer review process of the articles informed authors about the necessary changes and improvements their paper needed in order to meet the required standards. The whole process is not only performed in very high professional level, but also very in a very short period of time. I would definitely recommend this conference platform to any researcher who is aiming for professionalism and speed.
Marsela Turku, PhD LecturerAleksander Moisiu University, Durres, Albania

The opportunity to be part of your conference for the second time
I want to express my appreciation about the opportunity to be part of your Conference for the second time. What I appreciate most is the information, notification and help given to me in real time. Thank you very much and for more collaborations.
Najada Quka, PhDSports University of Tirane Faculty of Movement Sciences Department of Education and Health

A valuable forum that brings together experienced experts
It was a great opportunity for me as a young lawyer to participate to the conference. The conference is valuable forum that brings together experienced experts and policy practitioners to discuss important topics and recent developments at multidisciplinary level. And beyond that, it was a unique opportunity for networking; so will be able to carry the lessons learnt and looking forward to expend my connections and contacts. I offer you my best wishes for a joyous and successful 2022 and looking forward to cooperating in the future.
Albulena U. Ukimeraj, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Participating in them is a showcase of world coverage
Once again I have noticed the great professionalism on the part of the organizers of the Revistia events. Likewise, I consider that participating in them is a showcase of world coverage, for the exhibition and exchange of ideas. Congratulations
Dr. Luis Fernando M. Gonzalez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

Great editorial board and scientific research
It was a pleasure to participate at the Amsterdam Science Park 22nd International Conference. Great editorial board and scientific research!
Dr. Xhensila Abazi, Aleksander Xhuvani University, Albania

I would like join the next edition
This congress has been a very interesting and enriching experience for me. I have found very attractive papers from very different fields. I have met researchers from other countries. I would like to repeat it in a next edition.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, University of Murcia, Spain

It was an enriching experience
It was my pleasure to attend the 25th International Conference "Ideas and Research on Recent Issues". It was an enriching experience,where colleagues from different countries presented a wide range of diversity of topics. Thank you for the organization of such an interesting event!
Edit Xhajanka, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Faculty of Dental Medicine

High academic level
It was a very good experience to attend this conference. The academic level was very high and the results obtained will further affect my studies.
Denis Bizhga, Albania

A well-organized activity
A very nice experience. A well-organized activity.
Ismail Tafani, PhD, Albanian University

Rapid and professional publication process
I am happy to have an article published in Revistia. The article submission and publication process was rapid and professional. I received important comments from the reviewers which helped to improve the quality of the article. Moreover, I really appreciate your rigorous online proofing system and correction. I look forward to working with you again. Thank you!
Ute Steenkamp, University of South Africa

Possibility of meeting researchers from other countries
I am very satisfied with ICED XXIII Conference. I would like to highlight the good organisation of the conference, the quality of the plenary sessions and round tables, the interest of the papers presented and the possibility of meeting researchers from other countries. It is a way of enriching oneself and staying active in this context of health emergency. I look forward to the next edition.
Possibility of meeting researchers from other countries

Probably one of the most efficient conferences
The ICMS is probably one of the most efficient conferences I have attended so far. Wonderful organization, amazing atmosphere and great network. Thank you!
Prof. Dr. Valentina Chkoniya, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Interesting presentations
I have participated in ICMS XXV (California) and also in previous editions. The balance I make is very satisfactory. First of all, I always find interesting presentations on my area of research. Secondly, the topics of the presentations are very varied and I discover new areas of interest. Thirdly, it is a forum to meet researchers from other countries in the world. Fourthly, it is a way to receive feedback on research and improve work in progress.
Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, Assist. Prof. Dr.University of Murcia

Excellent presentations of all authors from different research fields
I would like to express my positive experience as speaker in XXV ICMS South California 2021. The multidisciplinar spirit of this congress met greatly the soul that characterize the application of the integrated analytic approach in science. The excellent presentations of all authors from different research fields performed here encourage me to continue and improve my open mind research work. Thank you very much for invitation.
Davide Rossi, PhDDepartment of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy

Precise instructions on everything
Thank you for attending the conference, which was well organized. We received precise instructions on everything. The presentations were interesting and meaningful. We are happy to attend it at other times as well.
Andrea Rucska Dr ., PhDFaculty of Health Sciences, University of Miskolc

Happy with all services and their care
I am happy with all services and their care to me as a participant.
Azadeh Mehrpouyan, Assist. Prof. Dr.

Undoubtedly ICMS XXV, California has set a new standard of excellence for conferences held online
It is the second time I have participated in a scientific event organized by Revistia. Undoubtedly ICMS XXV, California has set a new standard of excellence for conferences held online. It provided a comprehensive scientific platform where experts from around the world had the opportunity to share together new ideas and practices on issues and topics from a diversity of research fields. A highly organized conference, widely informative and very beneficial for the all participants. Also, the technological innovation that the conference brought regarding the online system of notification and updating of the participants about their progress status was very helpful. I would like to thank the organizing committee and all the staff of professionals who were dedicated to the successful conduct of the conference. I keep the best impressions from ICMS XXV and I look forward to join the next conference.
Valentina Haxhiymeri (Xhafa), Prof. Dr.Haxhiymeri

Quality timely cultural, business communication and assistance
Experience through many years of cooperation and participation in ICEB XXIII is at a high professional, scientific and business level, which has resulted in quality timely cultural, business communication and assistance removing possible ambiguities to the authors.Therefore, I would like to congratulate on the success in the achievements so far as well as the development and improvement of future efforts. Congratulations
Goran Sucic, Izv. prof. dr. sc. University of Split, Croatia

A Platform for Academics and Researchers.
In my view, the conference serves as a platform where academics and/or researchers meet to discuss their achievements and challenges in terms of research. I applaud the organizing committee for the work well done and for excellent organizing and communication skills. Please keep on the good work you are doing for the International community. Strength to you.
Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka, University of South Africa (UNISA).

Excellent Organization
A meaningful exchange of views within the framework of discussions filled the conference with events and proposals for the continuation of cooperation between colleagues. It is especially necessary to emphasize the coherence of the work of the organizing committee on timely information on all events and the precise organization of the work of the sections.
Tatiana V. Korsakova, Southern Federal University, Russia

Ideal Way to Connect Scholars
Through the last years, REVISTIA Conferences are massive hits: many interesting presentations and great speakers! They consist of an ideal way connecting scholars and practitioners from various fields of knowledge. They also offer an excellent publishing opportunity!
Charalampos Kyriakidis, Sustainable Mobility Unit, NTUA, Greece.

Outstanding Platform
ICSS conferences generally provide an outstanding platform for researchers throughout the world to keep pace with innovations and state-of-the-art achievements in different fields. ICSS in Lisbon was the great event wonderfully organized with the diversity of researches.
Sophia Moralishvili, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia.

Simple Procedures
It was the first time I participated in the ICSS. I was quite satisfied with the organization due to its simplicity of procedures. Congratulations to the organization. We look forward to your return to Portugal, now to the fantastic city of Porto.
Diamantino Ribeiro, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal

Amazing Platform to Present the Most Outstanding Scientific Results
This is a great conference that attracts people with diverse expertise. All the staff are very professional and helpful.
Mohd Aderi Che Noh, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia

Amazing Platform to Present the Most Outstanding Scientific Results
ICSS is an amazing platform to present the most outstanding results from different fields of science, connecting researchers around the world. Thank you for the skilfully organized Cambridge event where the option of virtual participation allowed us to share our important COVID-19-related conclusions.
Alexandra Valéria Sándor, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.

REVISTIA has Pioneered the Concept of Virtual Conferences
Revistia has pioneered the concept of virtual conferences, which has emerged as a real need for authors and scholars around the world. The organization is supportive and responsive as you prepare for your conference. Their online platform for authors is streamlined and intuitive. They are very collaborative and inclusive for a wide variety of disciplines.
Stephen J. McNeill, Kennesaw State University, USA.

Novelty of the Information and Maximum Professionalism
At ICMS XXIII - Cambridge by REVISTIA, I enjoyed the novelty of the information presented in the papers, the diversity of the fields from which the speakers came and last but not least the possibility of knowing the participating experts, so I appreciate that the purpose of some people with common interests through the works presented was very well achieved.
Otilia Manta, Romanian Academy, Center for Financial and Monetary Research.

Prolific Discussion and the Establishment of New Research Networks
The conference (ICMS XXIII) was organized with high professionalism, and I would highlight the high scientific quality, interest and update of the presentations, which permitted a prolific discussion and the establishment of new research networks.
Sandro Serpa, University of the Azores, Portugal.
An excellent forum to interact with many researchers
I am very glad to be part of the conference. Its an excellent forum to interact with many researchers from various parts of the world and sharing the multi disciplinary concepts. I had a great opportunity to act as a moderator in one of the sessions. Thanks to the Organizers. Thank you all.
Sasilatha T, Prof. Dr.Amet University

Enriching experience, high degree of organization and professionalism
The ICMS XXIV event was a very enriching experience, both in the academic sphere and in interdisciplinary exchange. I have participated in several Revistia events, and in all of them I can appreciate the enriching experience with high degree of organization and professionalism of its organizers, always attentive to all kinds of requirements. Congratulations. Dr. Luis Fernando M. UAM Mexico City
Dr. Luis Fernando M. Gonzalez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

Well organized and timely
The 24th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (Brussels) was an important occasion of sharing of own scientific results inside the academic community and not only. It was very well organized and I would like to emphasize that the publication of the Proceedings is always timely. Congratulations to Revistia! Francesca
Somenzari, Researcher, University of Torino, Italy

Interesting papers by highly qualified participants
I have been participating in conferences organized by REVISTIA for several years. All conferences, including the ICED XXIII -23rd International Conference on Education held in Brussels, were organized at a high level. Interesting papers were presented by highly qualified participants at the conference. I will be happy to participate in the future conferences and also recommend it to my colleagues.
Tea Kasradze, PhD, Caucasus International University, Georgia

An excellent experience with the diversity it offered with the topics
The ICIS XXIII conference I attended for the first time with my colleague was an excellent experience for me with the diversity it offered with the topics. In addition to that each process of the conference was smooth and the committee members were really helpful. Everything promised such as announcing the program, publishing the abstract full text and publishing the full text in the chosen journals were on time. It will be a pleasure for me to participate this conference again.
Kuğu Tekin, PhD, Atılım University, Turkey

A wonderful conference
I thank the whole team for their efforts during this wonderful conference
Mokeddem Allal, PhD LecturerUniversity of Algeries 3, Department of Management and Technology

I encourage researchers to be part of the future Revistia events
Excellent conference , I encourage researchers to be part of the future Revistia events. I have participated many times in the wonderful conferences organised by Revistia since 2018: my first participation was in the ICSS XIV, 14th International Conference on Social Sciences, Frankfurt 2018 I was very satisfied with the level of organisation, the professional quality of the conferences, and the diversity of topics and disciplines these reasons have pushed me to take part again in the Revistia conferences: the ICSS XV, 15th International Conference on Social Sciences, Leuven 2018 and the ICSS XVIII, 18th International Conference on Social Sciences, Lisbon 2019. And recently in the special online conference ICMS, 25th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies \Recent Research and Ideas“, California 2021 which was held virtually but with the a high level of organization and professionalism and with an amazing atmosphere. I really appreciate it and I am very happy of being part of it.
Salhi Roumeissa, PhD. Cand.Department of Civil Engineering, University 20 Aout, Skikda, Algeria

A well organized and worth-attending conference
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate during the ICMS XXV conference. This was well organized and worth-attending conference. Please keep me updated of the forth-coming conferences. Congratulations and sincere thanks are due to the organizing committee for the work well done. With best wishes.
Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka, Prof. Dr.University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa Campus, Richards Bay, South Africa

A very interesting and enriching experience
This congress has been a very interesting and enriching experience for me. I have found very attractive papers from very different fields. I have met researchers from other countries. I would like to repeat it in a next edition.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto, University of Murcia, Spain

Meeting colleagues from different countries
It was a pleasure to take part in ICMS XXIV-Brussels international conference and have the possibility to meet colleagues from different countries to exchange research findings and discuss current practices related to education in the 21st century.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soraya Garcia-Esteban, Universidad De Alcala, Spain

I would recommend the other colleagues to take part
It was a pleasure to participate in the ICMS XXVI conference. The conference was well organized, All the instrunctions and the information regarding the conference opening, proceedings book and journal publishing were clear and were sent on time. Since it is an interdisciplinary conference, I really enjoyed listening to other colleagues and gaining insight into the areas that I do not know much about. I would recommend the other colleagues to take part in the conference and share their knowledge with the other experts.
Antonija Šarić, Assist. Prof. Dr.Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Thanks to the organizers to connect participants across the World.
It was really an enchanting experience while participating in the conference. Thanks to the organizers to connect participants across the world.
Sasilatha T, Prof. Dr. AMET University, Tamil Nadu, India.

A very interesting experience again, having participated in yet another of the ICMS events
For me, it has been a very interesting experience again, having participated in yet another of the ICMS events. I hope that you will soon be able to attend a face-to-face conference, as it is a space where ideas are exchanged with colleagues from all over the world. Congratulations to the organizing team.
Luis Fernando Muñoz González, PhDUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Uam)

I have participated several times, satisfied with both the implementation and the professional quality
The ICSS XXII Conference provides an excellent opportunity to conduct scientific exchanges on research findings in the social sciences. I have participated in the conferences organized by the REVISTIA organization several times as presenter, but I have always been very satisfied with both the implementation and the professional quality of the conferences. I am very grateful to the International Editorial & Advisory Board of the conference for the all-encompassing, thorough and flexible activities that were demonstrated during the organization and also for the excellent flow of information.
Dr. Balazs Hohmann, University of Pécs, Hungary

No doubt ICMS XXV California was one of the very best
Over the years and decades have I attended conferences in several countries and continents. No doubt ICMS XXV California was one of the very best. Atmosphere in that conference was warm and supportive. Those presentations delivered were interesting and profound. That I can say for sure, I will certainly participate in Revistia’s conferences also in the future.
Matti Itkonen, Prof. Dr. University of Jyväskylä, Yliopisto, Finland

The system of ICMS XXV has flexibly adapted to today\'s expectations
The system of ICMS XXV has flexibly adapted to today\'s expectations: in addition to the real-time oral presentations performed in virtual rooms, offline lectures as a relatively new option have eliminated not only distances, but also time-limits, constantly maintaining professionalism.
Anna Perge, MA/MScFaculty of Health, University of Miskolc

Conference that Challenged Thinking and Afforded Dialogue on Cutting Edge Ideas
The ICMS XXIII was an excellent conference that challenged thinking and afforded dialogue on cutting edge ideas to propel the generation of new knowledge and its impact. The range of topics was extensive that allowed the depth and breadth of the multidisciplinary field to be explored. Many papers focused on the recovery from Covid 19 where vital knowledge to action strategies met the theme of \'Resilience for Survival\'. Delegates explored Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to provide innovative solutions to the challenges society now faces. This was far more than an international conference for dissemination. This was one of the best examples of a platform that empowers synergies of alternative perspectives, from different contexts and ideologies to search for truth, create new scientific knowledge and amplify its impact for human evolution. The peer review process of articles informed authors\' reflections and improvements of their writing to meet the required amendments. This process assured both high quality and efficient publication of the Open Access journals within 2 weeks of final acceptance. The response to all my queries from paying fees, to timetabling, to virtual participation at short notice, to open access publication was exemplary. This is my second attendance at this outstanding conference and for me it is distinctive because a) I was introduced to meaningful, worthwhile, collegial and constructive networks and b) it delivered exceptional value for money to attend and publish. I intend to register next year and submit an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the programme. I highly recommend ICMS XXIII as a powerful conference.
Alison Taysum, External Examiner University of Ulster, London Campus, United Kingdom.

All participants were serious scholars, doing cutting-edge work in their respective fields
Dear Members of the Organizing Committee: I am writing to congratulate you on a most impressive Conference. I wish to report that all the sessions that I attended were most excellent: all participants were serious scholars, doing cutting-edge work in their respective fields. One could not but be impressed with the seriousness, research skills, thoroughness, originality, and importance of the scholars and their respective presentations. The variety of topics and fields included in the Conference was a welcome change from some Conferences, which have an extremely narrow focus. I am most proud to be included among the presenters at this Conference. I certainly plan to contribute to future conferences (hopefully, in person), and to inform colleagues of the importance of these conferences. Congratulations to you, and thank you. Once again, thank you for inviting me to participate in this important scholarly conference, and congratulations.
Stanley Tweyman, Prof. Dr.University Professor, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
\I have had the pleasure of speaking at both Leuven and Paris 2018 ICSS International Conferences and have really enjoyed the opportunity to make contact with colleagues and researchers in various social sciences fields from all over the world, to network, share insights and showcase the scope of our research. I have also found the organization exceptional and I would happily encourage other scientists to attend future ICSS REVISTIA Conferences in order to benefit from the experience.\
Katerina Kourkouli, English Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
\The ICSS XVI-Paris was a very interesting accasion to listen and talk to colleagues of so many different areas of knowledge. Certainly I would be very pleased to attend a new conference in the future because not only I could present my work to other colleagues from around the world, but I also could learn from such different realities and topics. The organization was excellent and everything went as planned.\
Edgardo Maza, Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile
\I strongly recommend participating in conferences organized by Revistia. The staff are dilligent, hard-working and highly professional. I had a great experience regarding the ease in communication and receipt of information in due time. I also appreciate a lot their online platform and the choice of APA referencing system for paper submission. The growing number of participants from all over the world is a positive indicator of great success! I am looking forward to participating in future events!\
Iris Klosi, University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, English Department
\An energetic and engaged event, packed with knowledge and interesting speakers, offering a unique opportunity to network with colleagues. In short: offering a compact source of inspiration.\
Angela Bushati, Freie Universität Berlin
\ICSS XVI-Paris has been a successful international academic conference with the participation of scientists from many research institutes and universities in the world. The conference is an opportunity for scientists to present their research results, exchange and learning from other researchers. I sincerely appreciate the success of the conference and hope that ICSSXVII- Paris will be even more successful.\
Ngo Minh Hien, PhD, The University of Da Nang- Universiy of Science and Education, Vietnam
\I sincerely thank you for the invitation for the ICSS XVI – Paris. That was a wonderful opportunity to present our idea for a PanEuropean TV channel. Hopefully it was met with support and gained allies! I also want to thank you for the perfect organization of the conference! 177 reports from 246 authors representing 55 countries is very impressive and I am sure highly demanding for the people who organized the event. They made a great decision with the Interdisciplinary studies format in which we took part. I am very thankful for the opportunity to participate IN VIRTUAL. Today, this is a great option for people with busy schedules! Thanks again and best of luck to your future events!\
Prof. Ivo Draganov PhD, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria
\In my opinion the conferences organized by ICSS are really worth being promoted. It is a great idea to gather together scientists and academicians from all over the world presenting various fields of research and provide the opportunity to present different points of view of the same topic. It makes the conferences very vivid and inspiring. I find these scientific meetings very interesting and treat them also as a very good platform to exchange experiences and start new scientific contacts.\
Dominika Pazder, PhD Poznań University of Technology, Poland
“ICSS XVI-Paris are a great opportunity to get up-to-date knowledge about research, and a significant opportunity to network. It is offering a compact source of inspiration.”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yousef Mai, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
\ICSS XVI-Paris was a great event, with so much knowledge and great speakers; this was my first ICSS Conference. I was amazed by the diversity of research topics. I enjoyed networking with peers from a variety of colleges and universities, as well as those from different countries. All the staff is very professional and helpful. In short: offering a source of inspiration.\
Dr. Souad Guessar, Tahri Mohamed University Bechar, Algeria
For me the ICSS XVI-Paris was an interesting experience. I had the opportunity to share my professional experience with colleagues from different country. I would like to appreciate the interdisciplinary approach of this conference and the organizing. I look forward to the next conference!
Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Voinea, Directorul Departamentului de Psihologie, Educatie si Pregatirea Personalului Didactic, Universitatea Transilvania Brasov
\As a presenter at the 16th International Conference on Social Sciences, held in Paris on 23-24 November 2018, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the organization, professionalism and courtesy shown by the Organizing Committee of this conference. In my view, REVISTIA has managed to create a very advanced academic platform for the organization of international scientific conferences, thus creating excellent opportunities for all social science scholars, especially young scholars from different parts of the world to present their works and this way contribute to the science and community of scientists in general\.
Mexhit Shaqiri, Universiteti i Prishtines, Fakulteti Juridik, Kosovo
I really have been felt welcomed and supported in every collaboration. A successful academic platform ICSS provides a very fast and professional process to publish our papers. Keep up the great work! Make sure ICSS lasts for many years to come. I will definitely choose ICSS again for my papers and recommend it to my colleagues.
Flavia Kaba, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana, Albania
”The ICSS provides an excellent opportunity to present and discuss your own research, as well as to be informed and inspired by a large number of presentations in numerous research areas in the social sciences. Participants are given plentiful of possibilities to create or expand research networks.”
Kjell O. Lejon, Professor, Forskningsmiljöföreståndare, Linköping, Sweeden
This was a great experience: stimulating with diverse and multidisciplinary intellectual interactions. The organization of the event was superb. Thank you.
Andrei Novac, MD, Clinical Professor, University of California Irvine, USA
\ ICSS XVI-Paris transcended all my expectations. The organizing team did the best to answer my inquiries, update and send my documents in a speed record time-frame. Working with you is very professional and comfortable. In spite of the unfortunate event in Paris, the conference was of an extreme success. I would love to be part of the upcoming events organized by ICSS XVI & REVISTIA.\
Fatima.Z.Benabdellah, Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem, Algeria
\It was a next privilege, the opportunity for with individual scientific work to be a participant in the ICSS, XVI - Paris International Conference, held on November, 23/24, 2018. The organizers, perhaps inspired by the impressive ambiance and dynamic life of Paris, efficiently managed the success of the conference. Researchers from many countries around the world, with different cultural, ethnic, and vocational affiliations, once again confirmed the inclusive spirit of this event: multidimensional, integrative scientific approach is reflected many times in their presentations. A well-organized conference agenda enabled exchanges of experiences and ideas among participants, making the social atmosphere within the conference halls richer. Coordination of activities and co-operation between organizers and participants helped me to find meaning of the research what i am working currently. As the discussions and debates among the authors took place, I personally felt well and with high self confidence. I also highly appreciate the possibility that works can be published in valid scientific journals of different fields. The successful organization of these conference on one hand and the publication of works in scientific journals, on the other hand, articulated the overall picture of a serious and promising project for the future.\
Lulzim Murtezani, State University of Tetovo, FYROM
\I thank you for the kind reception I received at the 16th International Conference in Paris, and I congratulate you on this remarkable success to bring the Conference out in this way.\
Haitham Abd El-Razek El-Sawalhy, University of Sadat City, Egypt
\I have participated in two of the conferences that have been held, XIII and XVI. I would have liked to be able to participate face-to-face but the labor obligations and especially the costs have prevented me from adopting this modality. Virtual participation has been a great possibility for me. I would like to highlight the possibility of participating with research that has a multidisciplinary origin, as in my case. Many times it is difficult to find a space for this type of research as practical as REVISTIA conferences. On the other hand I would like to highlight the confluence in the same event of different areas of knowledge that allows an enriching feedback.\
Edgardo Alberto Stubbs, Universidad Nacional de Plata, Argentina
\Many thanks to the organizing committee for the excellent organization in bringing a wide variety of academic work and impressive professionalism shown during ICSS XVI, Paris. Congratulations to REVISTIA!\
Gonca Atıcı, Istanbul University, Turkey
\Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this social science community in ICSS XVI in Paris. Perfect organization, many interesting topics, excellent research, creative papers, pleasant people, and sheared experiences. See you all next year!\
Eleonora Serafimovska, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Republic of Macedonia
\ICSS XVI in Paris has been a successful international academic platform for researchers. I suggest that The conference sessions should be seperated in the fields, so common resaerchers could meet and similar topics would be discussed\
Ebru Z. Boyacioglu, Trakya University, Turkey
\As a presenter at the 16th International Conference on Social Sciences, held in Paris on 23-24 November 2018, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the organization, professionalism and courtesy shown by the Organizing Committee of this conference. In my view, REVISTIA has managed to create a very advanced academic platform for the organization of international scientific conferences, thus creating excellent opportunities for all social science scholars, especially young scholars from different parts of the world to present their works and this way contribute to the science and community of scientists in general\.
Mexhit Shaqiri, Universiteti i Prishtines, Kosovo
\It was a pleasure to participate at the 16th International Conference on Social Sciences organized by ICSS XVI and REVISTIA in Paris, France between 23th-24th November 2018. I was accepted with one paper and it was amazing to sharing best practices with many colleagues from other countries (totally, from 55 countries) in the context of this international conference. I was also honored having regard that the organizing team gives me the opportunity to moderate one of the conference section. Thank you for this double opportunity and congratulation for the level of the conference! I hereby recommend the ICSS conferences to all who are interested in discovering the new perspectives on the large area of social sciences field, in learning and improving their own skills. Enjoying REVISTIA conferences will surely find a kind team who are not just professionals but also very friendly and help the participants to be integrated into the programe as well as in future projects.\
Ana-Maria Bolborici, Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov, Romania
\Through my scientific participation at the XVI International Conference on Social Sciences, organized by ICSS-XVI-Paris, I noted that the Committee was highly efficient because of its many experience in the field in which it worked, Which made it the trust of all academics in various scientific disciplines, especially as it works to promote intellectual awareness by encouraging intellectuals to provide the best. I therefore wish this Committee greater prosperity and progress.\
Hero A. Mohamed Amin, University of Salahaddin, Iraq
\ICSS is an excellent opportunity for academic promotion of new interesting research ideas that the participants have the opportunity to present as scientific publications on this platform. Thus, via this platform, it is given an opportunity for publication of papers in their renown magazines and an opportunity for a wide online promotion. In my case, the papers I have written so far have been published in EJSER, which made me promoted and recognised by other worldly reknown publishers. The very participation in ICSS enables the participants to create new hypotheses, to share fresh innovative ideas, mutual exchange of knowledge, to share various experience, and above all, to nurture mutual collaboration of people from different sociological contexts and geographical destinations, by showing mutual interest in supporting multicultural diversities and respect towards diversity and individuality. ICSS is a meeting point from which academic innovations are spread at a global level.\
Prof. Dr. Naum Ilievski, Faculty of Psychology, International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin” , Sveti Nikole, Macedonia
\The experience with ICSS XVI-Paris is striking in relation to the very diversified topics in the social sciences, also the communication with the organizing committee, which facilitates the progress of the procedures, because the answers are provided instantaneously. I wish the team good luck in future conferences.\
Dr. Nadjiba Badi Boukemidja, Faculty of Law, University of Algiers
\I\'m very pleased to have participated in ICSS XVI-Paris. All registration and participation procedures were very simple. The conference was a very useful experience and the product was of great value for my scientific work. I advise all colleagues to participate in the next sesion ICSS XVII.\
Kriledjan Çipa, Archaeologist in Regional Directorate of National Culture of Vlora, Albania (D.R.K.K-Vlorë).
“Wonderful experience, great presentations and very interesting and engaging topics. Thank you very much!”
Maria Mont Algamasilla, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
“The ICSS is a very well organized with a capable staff. The conference assembled an impressive group of participants from many countries.”
Joseph P Garske, The Global Conversation, USA
“It was very efficient conference for me. I met many academicians from different countries and listened many interesting papers. I plan to attend the next conference. Thank you very much for this wonderful organisation.”
Gökçe Yüksek, Anadolu University, Turkey
“One of the great things about ICSS is that corresponding ability to respond and orient the participants in right way. Secondly, I have never before seen such effectiveness and efficiency in organization of the conference like that. You are doing a great job for the careers of academics. I have not had a single complaint about conferences by REVISTIA. My only regret is that I could not participate in the conference in-person to ICSS XVI in Paris.”
Lokman Coskun, Hena Plote University, Tirana, Albania
The organization of ICSS XVI - Paris, 23-24 November 2018 is very efficient, responding quickly to all requests for information. The site is quite appealing and the registration at the conference and payment functions perfectly. The support team unfolds to respond to requests. No doubt that I will go to Murcia conference, in person or if you can not virtually. Congratulations for the organization.”
Maria João Mimoso, Portucalense University Oporto, Portugal
Thank you for a pleasant experience at the ICSS XVI conference in Paris! It was an honor to see all international work with high quality like examples from PBL in Catalonia and Russia. I was the moderator in the last session and the team was super. We had wonderful conversations and people were giving their best! I think the conference was worth coming. All the staff was helpful. Maybe next time there could be a little determined attitude towards the time and quantity of one person\'s presentations.
Leena Hannula, Solvikiontie, Espoo, Finland
The ICSS XVI-Paris conference has provided an excellent opportunity to catch the latest trend of research in the field of social sciences by sharing interesting research studies and promoting communication between scholars from diverse academic backgrounds.
Aba Cristina Lahuerta, Universidad De Oviedo, Spain
Everything was well done and conducted.
Eleni Fani Kazantzi, Hellenic Open University, Greece
I met some interesting researchers with interesting research papers. Unfortunately, the presentation time allotments were too short to allow for good presentations and also did not leave enough time for questions. Thus, sessions ran overtime, creating problems for the sessions that followed and for an adequate lunch break. Perhaps, the in-person presentations could spread over 2 days or more concurrent sessions can be scheduled. Without such changes, I will not likely participate in a future conference.
Laura Lamb, Thompson Rivers University, Canada
First time I participated in the International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS XVIII) and I enjoyed it very much. The organizers were very professional, responsive, and helpful. As it was an amazing experience and I have been planning to apply again - the upcoming conference in September 2019!
Dilek Kayaalp, University of North Florida, USA
The ICSS XVIII-Lisbon conference provided an important opportunity to promote research by scholars from different countries. The conference was very useful for the exchange of knowledge and skills.
Vereno Brugiatelli
The conference was well organized and varied in content. I met some extremely interesting people. The only problem was finding a taxi to take me back to my residence.
Sara Fine-Meltzer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
ICSS XVIII, Lisbon, was a wonderful conference - with speakers from various backgrounds and practices coming together to share ideas in the spirit of collaboration. The various tracks allowed for different disciplines to present their studies, and created many opportunities for future networking between researchers, professionals, practitioners, and even students. The committee is extremely helpful with any queries, and made attending the event both professional and pleasant! Given another opportunity, I would definitely participate in future iterations of ICSS.
Jonathan Leong Yonghui, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
I would like to mention the fact that my participation at the 18th conference meant a lot to me. It was the first conference I attended. This experience helped me both from the point of view of the writing and content of an academic article, as well as from the point of view of the oral support of an article. Thanks for this opportunity and I hope for as many participations.
Cristina Eksioglu, Bucharest, Romania
The Conference was a well-organized International Conference. The submission system is very modern and easy to use. The topics of the Conference were very extensive, everyone could join who had scientific researches. The opportunity of publishing the papers not only in the Conference proceedings but also in a scientific Journal is also very useful.
Robert Bartko, University of Győr, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Hungary
It was the first time I participated in the ICSS. I was quite satisfied with the organization due to its simplicity of procedures. Congratulations to the organization. We look forward to your return to Portugal, now to the fantastic city of Porto.
Diamantino José Teixeira Ribeiro, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal
The ICSS XVIII conference held in Lisbon was a really grateful experience due to the excellent organization. It provided the opportunity to meet researchers from various areas of research and to have a broader view of the latest trends in the field of social sciences.
Eduardo Terán-Yépez, University of Almeria, Spain
This is the third time I am taking part in an ICSS. It has been a great pleasure working with REVISTIA organization team members, who have as usual been very professional and helpful in every aspect of the conference, from the submission of the paper for in-person or virtual participation to its final publication in one of the REVISTIA journals. By its international nature, ICSS events are great opportunities to present your research and listen to fascinating speakers; moreover, you will also have the chance to meet and connect with interesting academics in outstanding places where the REVISTIA conference usually takes place.
Siavash Bakhtiar, Queen Mary University of London, UK
I\'m very pleased to have participated in ICSS XVIII-Lisbon. The conference was a very useful experience - many interesting topics, great presentations, excellent research, pleasant people. I met many academics from different countries and listened to many interesting papers. Congratulations for the organization. I hereby recommend the ICSS conferences and advise all colleagues to participate in all future conferences.
Eleonora Desnica, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dear colleagues, I am very happy to cooperate with you. I am preparing a new paper and hope to send it to your conference again.
A. M. Nuriyev, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan
Why Europe is skeptic about the entrance of Turkey in Europe
Vjollca Mucaj, Albania
ICSS is organizing conferences according to the academics, since there is no delay for any activity in the conferences in terms of punctuality and publishing. You are doing a great job for academics through organizing the conferences in developed countries. I will be very glad to participate in the next version.
Lokman Coskun, Beder University College, Albania
ICSS XVIII, Lisbon, was a wonderful conference - with speakers from various backgrounds and practices coming together to share ideas in the spirit of collaboration. The various tracks allowed for different disciplines to present their studies, and created many opportunities for future networking between researchers, professionals, practitioners, and even students. The committee is extremely helpful with any queries, and made attending the event both professional and pleasant! Given another opportunity, I would definitely participate in future iterations of ICSS.
Jonathan Leong Yonghui, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
I really appreciated my venue to the Conference. Congratulations for the way you organized the Conference. Please! Could you avoid organizing the Conference during Ramadan? It would be better to schedule the practical scientific presentations during two days instead of just one day.
Azzedine Bouderbane, University Constantine 2, Algeria
ICSS conferences generally provide an outstanding platform for researchers throughout the world to keep pace with innovations and state-of-the-art achievements in different fields. ICSS in Lisbon was a great event wonderfully organized with the diversity of researches.
Sophia Moralishvili, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia
Hello, from my participation to the event of ICSS XVII and also two previous events of ICSS (\ICSS XIV\ and \ICSS XV\); I would like to thank you for this worldwide platform of \ICSS XVII\ which was a good and perfect space for sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences in different disciplines and fields. Also, I want to thank you for offering the possibility of virtual presentation which help us to contribute in this scientific platform even if when we can\'t traveling. Thank\'s REVISTIA, we wish you all the best for your future events. Best regards
alhi Roumeissa, University 20 Août 1955 Skikda, Algeria
Herewith I Dr Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka give a testimony about ICSS XVIII. It is my pleasure to confirm that ICSS XVIII conference was held in Lisbon (Portugal). It was well attended by researchers from different countries, cultural and academic background. The conference was well organized and really worth-attending. In my view, the conference serves as a platform where academics and/or researchers meet to discuss their achievements and challenges in terms of research. I applaud the organizing committee for the work well done and for excellent organizing and communication skills. Good for you and good of you. For all your tremendous efforts, keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars. Please keep on keeping on the good work you are doing for the International community. Strength to you. With best wishes, Dr Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka, Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology, Department of Art & Music, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa.
Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka, Department of Art and Music, University of South Africa (UNISA)
All was good during the conference. The only suggestion I would like to make is about the time limit regarding presentations. I think it should be 15 to 20 minutes allocated to each presenter.
Guven Cagdas Gundogdu, Anadolu University School of Foreign Languages, Turkey
Through the last years, REVISTIA Conferences are massive hits: many interesting presentations and great speakers! They consist of an ideal way to connect scholars and practitioners from various fields of knowledge. They also offer an excellent publishing opportunity!
Charalampos Kyriakidis, Research Committee of NTUA, Greece
I want to express my deep gratitude for the excellent organization of a very high-level conference. The large-scale and modern level of the conference turned it into a scientific platform that brought together researchers, specialists, and scientists and made it possible to get acquainted with the international experience presented in the reports. A meaningful exchange of views within the framework of discussions filled the conference with events and proposals for the continuation of cooperation between colleagues. It is especially necessary to emphasize the coherence of the work of the organizing committee on timely information on all events and the precise organization of the work of the sections.
Tatiana V. Korsakova, Southern Federal University, Russia
It was a very good organized event, full of very interesting presentations.
Robert Szymula, University of Bialystok, Poland
I attended the ICSS XVIII this year in Lisbon, Portugal where I presented two Papers. Amazing experience full of knowledge. The conference provided excellent ideas, and clear Academic ideas for moving forward. It exceeded my expectations. Overall, great job. Looking forward to being back soon at the next event in Brussels !!
Oriola Musa, European University of Tirana, Albania
I attended the ICSS XVIII this year in Lisbon, Portugal where I presented two Papers. Amazing experience full of knowledge. The conference provided excellent ideas, and clear Academic ideas for moving forward. It exceeded my expectations. Overall, great job. Looking forward to being back soon at the next event in Brussels !!
Oriola Musa, European University of Tirana, Albania
It was a very valuable experience for my studies
It was a very valuable experience for my studies. The organization was perfect and the academic level of participation was impressive. Hope to attend the next conference again.
Denis Bizhga, Albania
A great event with fantastic participants
I consider the Conference very successful and valuable too. It was very well organised and everything was in its place. A great event with fantastic participants.
Dr. Denis Celcima, UBT College, Albania
I was impressed by the good organization and easy procedures
For me the online participation in ICSS XXII was a meaningful experience. Even we are at distance, with many restrictions, facing uncertainty, the participation in this conference succeeded to bring us closer, to value the work of all participants, to give hope and courage. I was impressed by the good organization, easy procedures, and the facilities provided. Alexandra Galbin, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,
RomaniaDr. Alexandra Galbin, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
I would like join the next edition
Participation in the ICMS XXIV provided a beautiful opportunity to share ideas and practices. The online conference succeeded to convey emotions, to create a friendly context, with important topics and with participants willing to interact. A very well organized conference, easy to understand and to follow the procedures. Alexandra Galbin, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Dr. Alexandra Galbin, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
I wish other online conventions take your model
It was my first time experience attending a virtual international conference which was handled properly. I wish other online conventions take your model. I know that you will have some innovations in the future that would make more improvements to this kind of platform.
Jingle B. Magallanes, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Thanks for the outstanding ccoperation and work!
It is always a pleasure to participate in the REVISTIA conferences. The organization is excellent and the publishing is very quick. Thanks for the outstanding ccoperation and work!
Dr. Manuela Svoboda, Sveuciliste U Rijeci, Croatia
Great conference to attend. Everyone has something to learn
ICMS XXIV was a great conference to attend. Everyone has something to learn, some angle they haven\'t explored that they can find.
Alban Nako, Epoka UniversityAlbania
Thank you for your excellent service!
Everything (the conference and publication) was perfectly organized. Thank you for your excellent service!
Monika Moraliyska, PhD, University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
One of the most outstanding platforms for virtual presentations
A great and engaging event, this conference provided an excellent opportunity to understand current challenges, thanks to the choice of the best topics, as well as of the so professional organizing committee, of the most outstanding platform for virtual presentations.
Aurora Tatiana Dina, PhD, University of Pitesti, Romania
Researchers from all over the world to share experiences
I am very happy to take part in such an amazing and helpful event that invited researchers from all over the world that gave me the opportunity to share experiences. I look forward to such events in the future
Orest Shytaj, Marin Barleti University, Albania
The online platform for authors is streamlined and intuitive
ICED XXIII their online platform for authors is streamlined and intuitive. She was very collaborative and inclusive for a wide variety of disciplines. She was the concept of virtual conferences, which has emerged as a real need for authors. ICED XXIII was very productive in realizing this event.
Enkeleida Lleshi, PhD, Sports University of Tirana
A very helpfull experience
Partecipating at the ICED XXIII - 23rd International Conference on Education, was a very helpfull experience.
Edi Puka, PhD, European University of Tirana
Interesting papers by highly qualified participants
REVISTIA is a very competitive, interesting and comfortable platform. Preferably one of his journals should be in the Scopus database. I have no other remark. This is the best managed platform.
Ekaterine Gulua, PhD, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
A well-organized activity
Everything was good. Pleasure to partecipate to ICIS XXIII
Otjela Lubonja, PhD, Barleti University, Albania
I encourage people to submit for future conferences in this series.
This was a wonderful conference, well run, with a wide range of topics an presenters. I encourage people to submit for future conferences in this series.
Mark Benvenuto, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy, USA
Very well organised conference, with clear guidance and support
Very well organised conference, with clear guidance and support for the first time participants! In addition to making new contacts and expanding your research, the ICMS offers publishing opportunities.
Ester Eomois, Estonian Business School
Excellent, timely and professional communication with the organisers.
A great event, with so much knowledge from great speakers. Excellent, timely and professional communication with the organisers. The author forum platform is user-friendly and it enables both fast submission of documents and immediate access to conference materials.
Enriketa Sogutlu, Kolegji Universitar Bedër
Very satisfied from the communication
It was my first time and I am very satisfied from communication with the organizing committee.
Elona Kongo, Albanian University, Faculty of Medical Science, Department of Dentistry, Tirana, Albania
I found accuracy and correctness in every question I sent
It was a pleasure to be part of your collaboration. I found accuracy and correctness in every question I sent to achieve the best possible academic performance at the conference. it will be a nice pleasure to continue collaborating in other conferences.
Albana Cekrezi, Epoka University
I really encourage researchers to participate in future conferences
I found the experience in attending the conference very rewarding. The organizing committee were very helpful and timely in their responses. The conference was professional. I really encourage researchers to participate in future conferences.
Albana Cekrezi, Epoka University
I highly recommend it and will participate myself again
It was my first experience not only with ICIS XXIII conference but also it was my first virtual conference. The diversity of research topics offered as well as professionalism of the organisers made it an excellent experience for me. I highly recommend it and will participate myself again.
Ulker Shafiyeva,
A great experience
Really, was a great experience to attend and participating at the XXV-the Conference held in California, and to share and change my long experiences in respective fields of dentistry and especially in orthodoncy, so I am glad and hope to have further experiences on the near future. .
Alketa Qafmolla, Faculty of Medicine Dental, “Dibra” Street, 10, Tirana, Albania
An important occasion to meet colleagues from different countries
It was a pleasure to participate to ICMS XXV - California. It was an important occasion to meet colleagues from different countries. The conference was organized with professionalism. Congratulations to the organizing committee! Thank you!
Artan Xhaferaj, “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlora, Albania
A great opportunity
Thank you for the great opportunity being part in this international conference.
Marsela Shehu, Sports University of Tirane, Faculty of Movement Science, Department of Social Sciences and Education,