ICSS XX Zurich

September 2019


ICSS XX, 6-7 September 2019 at the premises of Zurich University of the Arts

ICSS XX Zurich, 20th International Conference on Social Sciences was held in the premises of Zurich University of the Arts on 6-7 September 2019, as in-person, poster and virtual forms. Scholars, academicians and researchers in the fields of Social Sciences, Education, Business, Economics, Language, Literature and Interdisciplinary Studies were brought together to exchange ideas, share knowledge and make  networking. All the accepted papers were published in the proceedings book with ISBN and in one of the 10 indexed scientific journals.

Conference Venue: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Zurich University of the Arts), Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach, CH-8031 Zurich, Switzerland Conference venue map:https://goo.gl/maps/HLmXx3sRjVXPRCay5

Session Gallery