Title: The abstract title should be 12 point Cambria and bold.
Author name: For each author write the full name, affiliation and email in Cambria 11.
Body: The abstract itself should be in Cambria font, 10 point, not bold, not italic, single space, between 150 to 250 words long and fully justified.
Keywords: 5-10 words lower case, comma seperated (not "Key words" but "Keywords")
Language: English
Font Size and Type: 10-pt. Cambria
Line Spacing: Single-space throughout the paper, including the title page,abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figures.
Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after commas, colons, and semicolons within sentences. Insert one space after punctuation marks that end sentences.
Alignment: Justified
Paragraph Spacing: 0 pt before and 6 pt after.
Order of Pages: Title Page, Abstract, Body (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, Analysis, Conclusions etc.), References, Footnotes and Appendixes are placed after the references.
Tables & Figures are placed within the body of the text with a good image quality and in-line with the text (not text on both sides of the image).
Total Length: Maximum 5000 words.
References: According to the APA (American Psychological Association) Referencing System.
Format: Full papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx). Pdf: not accepted
Language: English
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