Relationship between the Socioeconomicsocio-Educational Context and Thecognitive Performance from WISC-IV Indexes


  • Agustina Labin Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. CONICET , Argentina Author
  • Alejandra Taborda Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. Author



intellectual capacity - WISC -IV - childhood- socioeconomic context


Background: national and international studies attach particular importance to the average socio shared environment as an explanatory variable intellectual performance in psychometric test. Objetive: To analyze the relationship between maternal education, the number of books in the home, the initial school level and extracurricular activities such as measures of socioeconomic, educational and environmentally with cognitive production WISC-IV level. Method: We worked with 154 children as 6 to 12 who attend public schools in the city of San Luis (Argentina). A sociodemographic survey designed ad hoc and the Argentinian adapting Intelligence Scale for Children Wechsler were implemented. We used ANOVA and Student test to analyze the differences between the proposed variables and the WISC-IV. Results: We found associations between the ducational level of the mother and the production in verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and total IQ of their children. In addition, significant differences were found between the number of books available at home and the age of entry admission to initial school level with verbal comprehension, and total IQ; as well as perceptive reasoning and working memory and extracurricular activities, sports and/or language study, among other. Conclusion: the need to recognize the socio-environmental factors to develop a proper interpretation of the test production is ratified. In this context we propose an extended and integrated diagnostic destined to capture the complex plot by the combination of capacities from the stimulation provided by the environment and the development of specific abilities less influenced by environmental factors.




How to Cite

Labin, A., & Alejandra Taborda. (2019). Relationship between the Socioeconomicsocio-Educational Context and Thecognitive Performance from WISC-IV Indexes. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 6(3), 96-101.