About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The European Journal of Social Science Education and Research (EJSER) is a multidisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality original research and scholarly reviews that explore contemporary issues at the intersection of social sciences and education. While the journal places a strong emphasis on educational research, it equally welcomes interdisciplinary studies that address broader social, cultural, and policy-related challenges in today’s globalized world.

EJSER provides a forum for critical analyses, theoretical advances, empirical investigations, and methodological innovations that shed light on how social and educational systems evolve in response to rapidly changing social dynamics. In an era marked by digital transformation, cultural diversity, globalization, and emerging public policy challenges, the journal encourages submissions that explore these complexities from a variety of perspectives—including cultural, psychological, sociological, and educational frameworks.

Topics of Interest Include (but are not limited to):

Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Culture, Identity, and Indigenous Knowledge:
    Exploring cultural practices, indigenous arts and knowledge systems, and the role of tradition in contemporary society.
  • Social Inclusion and Integration:
    Studies addressing migration, minority integration, social cohesion, and the challenges of inclusion in diverse societies.
  • Family, Gender, and Social Justice:
    Research on family dynamics, gender studies, women’s leadership, and social justice initiatives.
  • Disability, Social Welfare, and Public Policy:
    Analyses of social welfare systems, policies affecting vulnerable populations, housing and integration issues, and disability studies.
  • Media, Communication, and Technology:
    Investigations into the impact of digital media, social networks, and technological advancements on society and cultural practices.
  • Mental Health, Trauma, and Resilience:
    Studies focusing on psychological well-being, trauma (including conflict-related and post-pandemic issues), and pathways to resilience in diverse populations.


  • Educational Policy and Administration:
    Research on education reforms, policy evaluation, and administrative challenges in both primary/secondary and higher education.
  • Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Teacher Education:
    Contributions addressing innovative teaching methods, curriculum development, teacher training, and educational practice.
  • Online and Blended Learning:
    Evaluations of digital education strategies, online learning challenges, and the integration of technology in the classroom.
  • Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Methodologies:
    Papers on the development and validation of assessment tools, research methodologies, and innovative analytical frameworks in education.
  • Higher Education and Academic Development:
    Studies on academic advising, graduate profiles, and the role of higher education in fostering societal change.

All manuscripts submitted to EJSER undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the publication of robust, high-caliber scholarly work. We invite contributions from researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners worldwide who are engaged in the critical examination of contemporary social and educational phenomena.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Format
    Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  2. Submission Portal
    Submissions are made via the online form. If you encounter difficulties with the form, you may email your manuscript as an attachment to:
    [email protected]
  3. Language and Style
    Submissions must be in English. Authors are responsible for ensuring the language quality of their manuscripts.
  4. Originality
    Only original, unpublished work not under review elsewhere will be considered.

Article Processing and Publishing Fee (APC)

A fee of €220 is charged for processing and publishing each accepted article.
Authors may pay the fee using one of the three methods specified on the invoice issued upon acceptance.

Open Access Policy

EJSER is published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International). Under this license:

  • The full text of published articles is freely available for noncommercial use.
  • Users may download, distribute, and adapt the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original author(s) and the journal.

For more information, visit:

Publication Deadlines

EJSER is published four times per year according to the following schedule:

  • 1st Issue (March)
    Submission deadline: 28 January
  • 2nd Issue (June)
    Submission deadline: 28 April
  • 3rd Issue (September)
    Submission deadline: 28 July
  • 4th Issue (December)
    Submission deadline: 28 October

ISSN and Journal Title

  • ISSN (Print): 2411-9563
  • ISSN (Online): 2312-8429
  • Key title: European Journal of Social Science Education and Research
  • Abbreviated key title: Eur. j. soc. sci. educ. res.

For any additional inquiries, please contact the editorial office at:
[email protected]

We look forward to receiving your submissions and thank you for your interest in EJSER.