Blocked by Diplomatic Barriers: Syrian Refugees and the EU-Turkey Migration Cooperation


  • Bassant Hassib Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University Department of Political Science, the British University in Egypt. Author
  • Doaa Nounou Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Suez Canal University, Department of Political Science, the British University in Egypt. Author



EU – Turkey – Migration – Readmission Agreements – Syrian Refugees


The recent EU-Turkey deal on irregular migration and refugees raised voices of humanitarian concerns with regards to the protection of the rights of Syrian refugees. Despite the positive efforts of Turkey to accommodate Syrian refugees, it still lacks a proper asylum system and measures that can guarantee their socio-economic integration and protect their rights. So instead of having a proper EU refugee resettlement system, they just offer money and mobility incentives to Turkey to keep the Syrian refugees on its land, while sidelining the deteriorating status of those refugees in Turkey. This paper argues that EU-Turkey cooperation on migration is security/interest-based, which counters the protection of the rights of Syrian refugees. On one hand, the EU hoped to guard itself from potential security threats, reflecting the dilemma of security vs. human rights. On the other hand, Turkey was hoping to accelerate visa waivers for its nationals and ease its accession to the EU membership.


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How to Cite

Hassib, B., & Doaa Nounou. (2017). Blocked by Diplomatic Barriers: Syrian Refugees and the EU-Turkey Migration Cooperation. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 4(2), 41-58.