The Influence of Willing– Motivations Characteristics of Students on Their School Achievements


  • Nada Puric Department of psihological science, Faculty of pfilosophy, Serbia Author



school, student, motivation, school achievement.


The research on relationship betwen school achievements and intelligence show that only 50 percent success in school achievement can be explained by intelectual development, whereas other 50 percent variance has been determined by non intelectual factors (social and emotional development, degree of motivation for learning, specific characterics, personal traits, social and finantial status, cultural and educational status of the family) etc. The main objective of the research is to establish whats the structure of need, motives which students want to satisfy education in high school, their position and importance, that are characteristic for this social environment in present time, so that they are understood better and directed, so as to contribute to school achievements. The research was carried out in Montenegro. The sample consisted of the students from grammar and vocational schools in Budva, Podgorica and Niksic. Regarding content and methodology, interdisciplinary approach was used. It has been established that there is influence some willing – motivations characteristics on success in high school. There is a statistically significant corellation componente “Realiyation goals as a source of satistifaction” and academic success. The students of grammar schools have more persistence in achieving their goals


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