Transparency and Educational Improvement – Friends or Foes? The Case of Croatia


  • Ivana Ćosić Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia Author
  • Marjan Ninčević Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia Author



Transparency, educational improvement, friends, foes, Croatia


This paper seeks to discuss the recent introduction of standardised assessment in Croatia in form of a school leaving examination, called the State Matura. It examines the relationship between the apparent priority of procedural justice and transparency over questions relating to educational quality in Croatian secondary education. The paper calls for more research on how issues of procedural justice affect educational quality in post-socialist settings.


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How to Cite

Ćosić, I., & Marjan Ninčević. (2016). Transparency and Educational Improvement – Friends or Foes? The Case of Croatia. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 3(3), 33-36.