Spatial Analysis of Adults Involvement in Education in Poland


  • Alicja Grześkowiak Department of Economics, Wrocław University of Economics Author



adult education, lifelong learning, spatial analysis


Knowledge and competences play an important role in the development of the knowledge-based economy. Therefore, the idea of lifelong learning is a crucial element of development strategies. Various forms of learning may be distinguished, e. g. according to ISCED methodology formal, non-formal, informal and random ones. The participation rates in educational activities differ from country to country. Comparative analyses show that an unfavorable situation in this field can be observed in Poland. Despite many incentives and opportunities for continuous education, the percentage of people participating in trainings is one of the lowest in Europe. A vital question arises whether this issue shows spatial relationships when lower-level (regional) data are taken into consideration. The purpose of this paper is to determine if the educational processes in Poland show regional similarities or dissimilarities. The analysis is performed on the basis of variables characterizing lifelong learning activities at the regional level. Statistical methods taking into account the spatial position of the units are used in order to evaluate spatial relations.


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How to Cite

Grześkowiak, A. (2015). Spatial Analysis of Adults Involvement in Education in Poland. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 2(2), 13-24.