Prospective Science Teachers' Self-Assessments about the Use of Slowmation Approach in Teaching


  • Erhan Ekici Pamukkale University, Faculty of Education, Denizli, Turkey Author
  • Fatma Ekici Pamukkale University, Faculty of Education, Denizli, Turkey Author



slow-motion, teacher candidate, teaching technique, self-assessment


In the concept of this study, science teacher candidates prepared some animations regarding biology topics by using slow-motion technique. Following this process of animation making, how teacher candidates see extend of contribution of the process on education is examined. This study is carried out with 49 teacher candidates, who were taking general biology course in the spring semester of 2013-2014 academic years. The data of the research is collected by 8-item five point Likert-type slow-motion survey forms and semi-structured interview questions, developed by the researchers. As a result of the study, the teacher candidates reported that the slow-motion technique is an informative technique, which is instructive, useful, developing their creativity, enjoyable and stimulating to the course. As a result of the interviews made with teacher candidates, it is revealed that they are quite willing to use this technique in their professional lives as a teaching approach, which contribute to their learning skills, thus they want to implement this technique to their students as well.


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How to Cite

Ekici, E., & Fatma Ekici. (2014). Prospective Science Teachers’ Self-Assessments about the Use of Slowmation Approach in Teaching. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 1(1), 7-12.