Exploring the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Advancing the Goals of Education for all among Adults in Nigeria
Education for All, Distance Learning, ICT, Adult Literacy, Adult Education, and Digital gap.Abstract
Education is a right. Like the right to have proper food or a roof over your head. It is not only a right but a passport to human development. The ideas of Education for all is to expand early childhood care and education, provide free and compulsory primary education for all, promote learning and life skills for young people and adults, increase adult literacy, achieve gender parity and improve the quality of education. The paper sets to explore the use of information and communication technology in advancing the goals of education for all (stated above) among adults in Nigeria. Areas such as information and communication technology and distance learning, education for all; the place of adult education and information and communication technology and the attainment of education for all initiative will be examined.References
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