Assessment of Role in Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Humanitarian Effort in Refugee Camps Worldwide


  • Festina Balidemaj Department of Health Science, University of Minnesota, USA Author
  • Albina Balidemaj Department of Health Science, Clemson University, USA Author



Globalization, healthcare


The relief and humanitarian effort of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in refugee camps worldwide requires prompt, coordinated, and effective interventions. As evident by the physicians and nurses make up of NGOs, a significant portion of such effort is focused on health care issues such as treating, managing, and preventing the spread of infectious diseases of refugees. In this literature-based project, the role of pharmacists in the relief efforts of NGOs is examined. Currently, pharmacists represent a small fraction (~9 percent) of the non-governmental organizations' task force, which undermines the invaluable potential of their contributions to the relief efforts. Student pharmacists should also be introduced to the role of non-governmental organizations' humanitarian efforts and the world of opportunities available in helping people under stress while being exposed to different cultures towards their own professional growth.


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How to Cite

Balidemaj, F., & Balidemaj, A. . (2022). Assessment of Role in Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Humanitarian Effort in Refugee Camps Worldwide. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 9(2), 93-102.