New Approaches to Diagnosis and Management of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization. A Literature Review


  • Nilena Eriksen Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medical Science, Albanian University, Albania Author
  • Dorian Kostandini Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medical Science, Albanian University, Albania Author



molar incisor hypomineralisation, prevalence, etiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestation


Introduction: Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) is a developmental disorder of dental enamel with a systemic origin that affects one to four permanent first molars associated with incisors involvement. The aim of this study is to bring to the attention of professionals this pathology, emphasizing at the same time the importance of early diagnosis and frequency of controls of the affected individuals, including updates on diagnosis criteria. Methodology: This a literature review helping the professionals with new research in this field. Results: The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has established the criteria for the evaluation of MIH updated in 2022, mostly involved in diagnosis and management. Many studies have shown that prevalence varies in different populations meanwhile have advanced in identifying possible etiological factors. Conclusions:  This literature review related to MIH brings to the attention of professionals this pathology that requires a multidisciplinary intervention. Early diagnosis, identification, and awareness of dentists, and parents can influence its appearance and treatment options. Preventive therapy through remineralization can prevent massive post-eruptive enamel breakdown as well as other serious complications, with an important psycho-social impact on the child's life.





