The Examination of the Profile of Leadership and Management in Healthcare Institutions in Kosovo
healthcare, management, leadership, quality of serviceAbstract
Traditionally, the management of healthcare institutions and clinics in Kosovo come from clinical background rather not being familiar with and lacking know-how and skills in management and leadership, which would make possible to focus on organizational development and growth, proper staff management, management of institutional resources, having better client/patient-oriented focus, as well as engaging in better strategic planning and implementation. The aim of this exploratory study was to examine the current profile of leadership and management in healthcare institutions in Kosovo at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare public sectors. Methodology: Secondary data were collected about the managers from 253 healthcare institution of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare sectors. The data were about the managerial position (clinic manager or service manager), gender, age group, educational background, work experience, and healthcare sector, and were analyzed at individual level by further forming clusters of professions that dominate in leading respective institutions. Results and discussion: As assumed, the data showed that all included healthcare isntitutions in the study had employed managers with clinical background without proper profile of leadership skills and know-how. The only indication these managers have got management skills is work experience on the position, as a kind of on-the job training. Work experience was stressed much longer to service managers, while the clinic managers mostly have one or maximum two mandates (one mandate 4 years) as managers. The study further discusses findings against the manager profile promoted by the International Hospital Federation, and concludes also future research references in order to bring a better understanding and knowledge of leadership practices and behavior in healthcare institutions in Kosovo.Downloads
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