Service Dominant Logic as A New Emerging Mindset In Marketing And Brand Management


  • Besjon Zenelaj Epoka University, Albania


Context, Change, Service Dominant Logic


In today`s business landscape competition has reached an outstanding level. Given this, businesses tend to combine, and compete with their strategic competitive strengths package (i.e. suppliers, technology, reputation). It is then obvious the need to focus in the whole picture where both business-to-business and business-to-customer entities are part of the same marketing context and not two different realities. In this dynamic business landscape, the control shifted from the company towards other actors and they act all together part of ecosystem. Even though it is important to know the degree of engagement of customer in this complex and dynamic reality, it can be said that customer gained an active role in this process and turned into an essential actor for enabling a mutual creation of value. Not only the role of customer; the role of employees too has undergone changes in today`s business landscape. It can be said that one major change occurred in the perspective on innovation. There is a need to reconsider innovation in all levels (i.e. market innovation, strategy, market offering) from the perspective and within a dynamic, systemic, and complex context.

This study aims to bring to attention the evolving dominant logic in marketing that can be suitable to reconsider marketing from a Service Dominant Logic perspective.


