Tracing the Global Child: Global Politics Shaping Local Childhoods


  • Angela Bushati Freie Universität Berlin Author



Tracing the Global Child, Global Politics, Shaping Local Childhoods.


The concept of childhood, and particularly considering the social and cultural construction of childhood, has not received enough focus in the ongoing debates on globalization and its consequences. Yet, essential elements of globalization are omnipresent in the guise of new discourses around childhood, which have become particularly resonant transnationally. A lot of international treaties or conventions, such as the United Nations Children’s Rights Convention (1989) shape national and local realities of children worldwide based on global conceptualisations of childhood, which are based mainly on western ideals of what it means to be a child. Applying such global notions of childhood in different contexts around the world often does not consider local realities and cultural ideologies of childhood, and indirectly does more harm than good. Childhood constitutes an essential and very delicate nexus in the continuously changing realities. Since childhood occupies a symbolic space where the consequences of globalization can be reflected, it cannot be left unconsidered. Not only childhood comprehends the basis of cultural connection, but it is the main mechanism of social recreation. Building on postcolonial and critical whiteness studies, the paper tries to analyse a few aspects relating the westernization and construction of the global child ideal and presenting an overview of the impacts of children global policies towards shaping local childhoods.


Ariès, Ph. (1962). Centuries of Childhood. (R. Baldick, Trans). London: Cape.

Boyden, J. (1997). Childhood and the policy makers: A comparative perspective on the globalization of childhood. Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood, 2, 190-229.

Buckingham, D., & De Block, L. (2007). Global children, global media: Migration, media and childhood. Springer.

Bühler-Niederberger, D. & van Krieken, R. (2008). “Persisting Inequalities: Childhood between Global Influence and Local Practices”, Childhood 15(2): 147–55.

Clarke, V., & Watson, D. (2014). Examining Whiteness in a Children's Centre. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 15(1), 69-80.

Fleer, M., Hedegaard, M., & Tudge, J. (Eds.). (2012). World yearbook of education 2009: Childhood studies and the impact of globalization: Policies and practices at global and local levels. Routledge.

Foucault, M. (1971). Madness and Civilization. London: Tavistock.

Foucault, M. (1980). Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Ed. by Colin Gordon. Trans. by Colin Gordon et al. New York: Pantheon Books.

James, A. & James, A.L. (2008). Key Concepts in Childhood Studies. London: Sage.

Montgomery, H. (2001). Imposing rights? A case study of child prostitution in Thailand. Culture and rights: Anthropological perspectives, 80-101.

Nsamenang, A. B. (2008). Cultures in early childhood care and education. World Yearbook of Education 2009: Childhood Studies and the Impact of Globalization: Policies and Practices at Global and Local Levels, 23-24.

Ploesser, M., & Mecheril, P. (2012). Neglect—Recognition—Deconstruction. Approaches to otherness in social work. International Journal of Social Work, 55(6), 794–808.

Prout, A (2005). The Future of Childhood: Towards the interdisciplinary study of children. London and New York: Routledge Falmer.

Other Ressources:

Convention on the Rights of the Child, (1989).

Consulted on: 12.10.2018.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Consulted on: 05.10.2018.



Tracing the Global Child: Global Politics Shaping Local Childhoods | European Journal of Education

Tracing the Global Child: Global Politics Shaping Local Childhoods


  • Angela Bushati Freie Universität Berlin Author



Tracing the Global Child, Global Politics, Shaping Local Childhoods.


The concept of childhood, and particularly considering the social and cultural construction of childhood, has not received enough focus in the ongoing debates on globalization and its consequences. Yet, essential elements of globalization are omnipresent in the guise of new discourses around childhood, which have become particularly resonant transnationally. A lot of international treaties or conventions, such as the United Nations Children’s Rights Convention (1989) shape national and local realities of children worldwide based on global conceptualisations of childhood, which are based mainly on western ideals of what it means to be a child. Applying such global notions of childhood in different contexts around the world often does not consider local realities and cultural ideologies of childhood, and indirectly does more harm than good. Childhood constitutes an essential and very delicate nexus in the continuously changing realities. Since childhood occupies a symbolic space where the consequences of globalization can be reflected, it cannot be left unconsidered. Not only childhood comprehends the basis of cultural connection, but it is the main mechanism of social recreation. Building on postcolonial and critical whiteness studies, the paper tries to analyse a few aspects relating the westernization and construction of the global child ideal and presenting an overview of the impacts of children global policies towards shaping local childhoods.


Ariès, Ph. (1962). Centuries of Childhood. (R. Baldick, Trans). London: Cape.

Boyden, J. (1997). Childhood and the policy makers: A comparative perspective on the globalization of childhood. Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood, 2, 190-229.

Buckingham, D., & De Block, L. (2007). Global children, global media: Migration, media and childhood. Springer.

Bühler-Niederberger, D. & van Krieken, R. (2008). “Persisting Inequalities: Childhood between Global Influence and Local Practices”, Childhood 15(2): 147–55.

Clarke, V., & Watson, D. (2014). Examining Whiteness in a Children's Centre. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 15(1), 69-80.

Fleer, M., Hedegaard, M., & Tudge, J. (Eds.). (2012). World yearbook of education 2009: Childhood studies and the impact of globalization: Policies and practices at global and local levels. Routledge.

Foucault, M. (1971). Madness and Civilization. London: Tavistock.

Foucault, M. (1980). Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Ed. by Colin Gordon. Trans. by Colin Gordon et al. New York: Pantheon Books.

James, A. & James, A.L. (2008). Key Concepts in Childhood Studies. London: Sage.

Montgomery, H. (2001). Imposing rights? A case study of child prostitution in Thailand. Culture and rights: Anthropological perspectives, 80-101.

Nsamenang, A. B. (2008). Cultures in early childhood care and education. World Yearbook of Education 2009: Childhood Studies and the Impact of Globalization: Policies and Practices at Global and Local Levels, 23-24.

Ploesser, M., & Mecheril, P. (2012). Neglect—Recognition—Deconstruction. Approaches to otherness in social work. International Journal of Social Work, 55(6), 794–808.

Prout, A (2005). The Future of Childhood: Towards the interdisciplinary study of children. London and New York: Routledge Falmer.

Other Ressources:

Convention on the Rights of the Child, (1989).

Consulted on: 12.10.2018.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Consulted on: 05.10.2018.


