Confrontation of the Structuring Logic Previous Question, Next Question of the Teacher in the Formulation of a Statement in Mathematics to that of the Student in the Resolution of the Problem Posed


  • N’guessan Anon Lecturer in Educational Sciences Author
  • N’Goran N’Faissoh Franck Stephane Author



Previous question, next question, Teacher, mathematical statement, solving a problem


This study aims to analyze the correlation of the student’s progress in solving a given problem with the logic of the teacher in the layout of the questions asked. The research was conducted in the government’s secondary schools and colleges in the district of Abidjan and involved 453 participants, including 423 student and 30 teachers. The data was collected based on a survey questionnaire and then annalysed based on a quantitative and qualitative point of view. The results of the study focused on the concordance of the student’s progress in solving a given problem with the teacher’s logic in the layout of the questions asked. The study shows that students’ performance in mathematics is not dependent on how often they follow the order of the question in the statement.



Confrontation of the Structuring Logic Previous Question, Next Question of the Teacher in the Formulation of a Statement in Mathematics to that of the Student in the Resolution of the Problem Posed | European Journal of Education

Confrontation of the Structuring Logic Previous Question, Next Question of the Teacher in the Formulation of a Statement in Mathematics to that of the Student in the Resolution of the Problem Posed


  • N’guessan Anon Lecturer in Educational Sciences Author
  • N’Goran N’Faissoh Franck Stephane Author



Previous question, next question, Teacher, mathematical statement, solving a problem


This study aims to analyze the correlation of the student’s progress in solving a given problem with the logic of the teacher in the layout of the questions asked. The research was conducted in the government’s secondary schools and colleges in the district of Abidjan and involved 453 participants, including 423 student and 30 teachers. The data was collected based on a survey questionnaire and then annalysed based on a quantitative and qualitative point of view. The results of the study focused on the concordance of the student’s progress in solving a given problem with the teacher’s logic in the layout of the questions asked. The study shows that students’ performance in mathematics is not dependent on how often they follow the order of the question in the statement.


