Social and Communication Competences of Students – Future Teachers


  • Marjan Ninčević University of Zagreb, Department for Croatian Studies, Zagreb, Croatia Author
  • Dunja Jurić Vukelić Author



Social, Communication Competences, Students, Future Teachers


Numerous studies have shown that teachers significantly shape student's learning context. Socially and emotionally competent teachers tend to develop supportive and encouraging relationship with their students by promoting intrinsic motivation, focusing on student's strengths and abilities, mediating through conflict situations and encouraging appropriate communication and prosocial behaviour. Teachers with good communication skills will create a more successful teaching and learning ambience for the students, and without communication, the teaching and learning process will not take place. Educators, parents and public today recognize the need for an educational agenda to improve academic performance, but also to enhance students' social and communicational competence. The aim of the present study was to examine social and communication competence of the students of educational sciences and teacher education at the University of Zagreb Department Of Croatian Studies. As part of the most important aspects of the future educational work, the participants pointed out independence at work, the awareness that they would contribute to the future of the society and the awareness that they play a useful role in society. Participants also expressed optimism about their communication skills with students, planning and organizing teaching process and maintaining discipline, and to some less extent their competences for successful cooperation with students’ parents. Results were discussed in terms of possibilities to contribute to future teachers’ education.


?iri?, N. (2016). Overview of didactic methodical organization of university teaching by bologna concept of higher education. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 14(1), 52-60.

Kostovi?-Vranješ, V., & Ljubeti?, M. (2008). „Kriti?ne to?ke“ pedagoške kompetencije u?itelja. Život i škola: ?asopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja, 54(20), 147-162.

Palek?i?, M. (2008). Uspješnost i/ili u?inkovitost obrazovanja nastavnika. Odgojne znanosti, 10(2), 403-423.

Nin?evi?, M. (2013). Samoprocjena pedagoških kompetencija srednjoškolskih vjerou?itelja. Odsjek za pedagogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveu?ilišta u Zagrebu (doktorska disertacija).

Su?evi?, V., Cvjeti?anin, S., i Saka?, M. (2011). Obrazovanje nastavnika i u?itelja u europskom konceptu kvalitete obrazovanja zasnovanom na kompetencijama. Život i škola: ?asopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja, 57(25), 11-22.

Vidovi?, V. V., Vlahovi?-Šteti?, V., Pavin, T., Rijavec, M., Miljevi?-Ri?i?ki, R., i Žižak, A. (2005). Cjeloživotno obrazovanje u?itelja i nastavnika: višestruke perspektive.

Vizek Vidovi?, V. (2009). Planiranje kurikuluma usmjerenoga na kompetencije u obrazovanju u?itelja i nastavnika. Planning of a Competence-Based Curriculum in Teacher Education). Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, Sveu?ilište u Zagrebu.

Zakon o odgoju i obrazovanju u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi (2014) (24.1.2017.)

Zrno, J. (2012). Obrazovanje strukovnih nastavnika u Hrvatskoj i europskim zemljama. Andragoški glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva, 16(1), 43-54.



Social and Communication Competences of Students – Future Teachers | European Journal of Education

Social and Communication Competences of Students – Future Teachers


  • Marjan Ninčević University of Zagreb, Department for Croatian Studies, Zagreb, Croatia Author
  • Dunja Jurić Vukelić Author



Social, Communication Competences, Students, Future Teachers


Numerous studies have shown that teachers significantly shape student's learning context. Socially and emotionally competent teachers tend to develop supportive and encouraging relationship with their students by promoting intrinsic motivation, focusing on student's strengths and abilities, mediating through conflict situations and encouraging appropriate communication and prosocial behaviour. Teachers with good communication skills will create a more successful teaching and learning ambience for the students, and without communication, the teaching and learning process will not take place. Educators, parents and public today recognize the need for an educational agenda to improve academic performance, but also to enhance students' social and communicational competence. The aim of the present study was to examine social and communication competence of the students of educational sciences and teacher education at the University of Zagreb Department Of Croatian Studies. As part of the most important aspects of the future educational work, the participants pointed out independence at work, the awareness that they would contribute to the future of the society and the awareness that they play a useful role in society. Participants also expressed optimism about their communication skills with students, planning and organizing teaching process and maintaining discipline, and to some less extent their competences for successful cooperation with students’ parents. Results were discussed in terms of possibilities to contribute to future teachers’ education.


?iri?, N. (2016). Overview of didactic methodical organization of university teaching by bologna concept of higher education. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 14(1), 52-60.

Kostovi?-Vranješ, V., & Ljubeti?, M. (2008). „Kriti?ne to?ke“ pedagoške kompetencije u?itelja. Život i škola: ?asopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja, 54(20), 147-162.

Palek?i?, M. (2008). Uspješnost i/ili u?inkovitost obrazovanja nastavnika. Odgojne znanosti, 10(2), 403-423.

Nin?evi?, M. (2013). Samoprocjena pedagoških kompetencija srednjoškolskih vjerou?itelja. Odsjek za pedagogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveu?ilišta u Zagrebu (doktorska disertacija).

Su?evi?, V., Cvjeti?anin, S., i Saka?, M. (2011). Obrazovanje nastavnika i u?itelja u europskom konceptu kvalitete obrazovanja zasnovanom na kompetencijama. Život i škola: ?asopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja, 57(25), 11-22.

Vidovi?, V. V., Vlahovi?-Šteti?, V., Pavin, T., Rijavec, M., Miljevi?-Ri?i?ki, R., i Žižak, A. (2005). Cjeloživotno obrazovanje u?itelja i nastavnika: višestruke perspektive.

Vizek Vidovi?, V. (2009). Planiranje kurikuluma usmjerenoga na kompetencije u obrazovanju u?itelja i nastavnika. Planning of a Competence-Based Curriculum in Teacher Education). Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, Sveu?ilište u Zagrebu.

Zakon o odgoju i obrazovanju u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi (2014) (24.1.2017.)

Zrno, J. (2012). Obrazovanje strukovnih nastavnika u Hrvatskoj i europskim zemljama. Andragoški glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva, 16(1), 43-54.


