Experiences of Juvenile Offender Learners in Teaching and Learning Support in the Correctional Schools: A Wellness Perspective


  • Manzini Theresa Lydia Badiktsie University of South Africa Author




juvenile offender learners, learning support, social, physical, emotional, career, spiritual, intellectual wellness, Ubuntu, correctional schools


The study explores selected South African correctional school Juvenile offender learners' experiences regarding the support received for improving teaching and learning and wellness. The study uses qualitative interpretive approach; open-ended questionnaire involving 21 juvenile offender learners was utilized to collect data. The theoretical framework applied in the study is Ubuntu and Wellness. Ethical measures were considered before and during the study. Findings revealed that teachers use various forms of teaching and learning in order to support juvenile offender learners in the correctional schools. In addition, security official, teachers, and peers collaborate with various stakeholders to improve the wellness juvenile offender learners. The teaching and learning support meet the needs of intellectual, social, physical, emotional, spiritual and career/ occupational of juvenile offender learners. It also addresses barriers to learning, create favourable learning environment, enhance their wellness and improve their academic performances.


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