Volunteering A
School of Life for Everyone: the Volunteering Experience with the Students of the Luigj Gurakuqi University Scutari- Albania
Dukata Radoja
Luigj Gurakuqi University of Albania
Volunteering is an ideal value because it expresses nobility of mind and love for the common good. It is a value that belongs to and touches the citizen and every person of any age and profession who believes in the values of solidarity. The purpose of this study is to learn more about the identity of volunteering, the protagonists of this experience which on the one hand is beautiful and on the other demanding.
What spirit guides people, groups, associations driven to take on commitments by doing good in the many suburbs of the world. To do good you need to know how to do it, as he says (Volterrani A, 2009), therefore, the integral formation of the person who wants to devote himself to the good of others is fundamental. The school and university context has proved to be the ideal place to give birth, grow and develop volunteering, because the university context finds the structure, resources, and skills for training aimed at the person and for voluntary associations.
Studying is also an interweaving of theoretical knowledge and experience of young students, who with their enthusiasm, energy and creativity give importance to the common values of all.
On the one hand, concrete examples are reported of those who have made courageous choices in life and on the other hand, the study was relevant for understanding: what do young people think about volunteering? why do they think it is important? in which contexts would they like to engage? and what would they need to have prospective opportunities?
At the end, suggestions are made for the future, including by the young people themselves who believe in values, believe in justice and dream of a better world, in the hope that favorable conditions will be created for young people, they will find space and trust on the part of managers and institutions.