The Congress of Dibra: The Clashes Between the Young Turks and Albanians Regarding Education and the Writing of the Albanian Language

Nevila Mehmeti


Aim: This paper aims to highlight the Young Turk policy against education in the native language in Albanian territories, as well as the opposition to the use of the Latin alphabet for writing the Albanian language. The study's objective is to analyze the developments of the Congress of Dibra as an attempt by the Young Turks to hinder the spread of education in the Albanian language and to impose the Arabic alphabet. The aim of this paper is to reveal the efforts of the Albanians to resist Young Turk pressure regarding education and the Albanian language. Method: The methodology used for this paper involves analyzing archival sources, publications by both Albanian and foreign authors, as well as contemporary press, focusing specifically on the issues surrounding the opening of schools throughout Albanian territory. By establishing research questions and utilizing document analysis methods, the goal is to reach accurate conclusions. Results: The Young Turks surprisingly viewed the struggle for the spread of education and the teaching of Albanian with the Latin alphabet as a hostile stance from the Albanians, rather than as a natural right. The true aim of the Young Turks was to quell Albanian resistance and to force their approval of the non-use of the Arabic alphabet. They also sought to hinder the spread of education in Albanian territories. Conclusions: The Albanians demanded the opening of schools, their funding, expansion into all regions, and the official allowance of the use of the Albanian language. This unwavering insistence forced the Young Turks to take responsibility for education in Albanian territories. This would provide the opportunity for schools to be established across the entire territory, not just where economic conditions allowed. Keywords: Congress of Dibra, Young Turk policy, Albanian patriots, Latin alphabet, national education.


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