The Development of Music Life in Albania in the Years (1900-1965) Looking from the Historical and Educational Perspective

Eliona Lici
Lecturer , Faculty of Education, University "Ismail "Qemali


The paper aims to provide a panoramic overview to the artistic music development in Albania from 1900 up to 1965. The evolution of music, in the Albanian reality on the one hand is related to society changes and at the same time depends upon environmental educational philosophy along with institutional mechanisms in a society. The scope of this study is instead to examine the way in which historical and societal elements have shaped Albanian Art Music from 1900 to 1965. This piece of research draws mostly upon content analysis from the primary documents analyzed and musical analysis from music works in particular eras. The political regimes which ruled in the early period 1945-1960 paid a lot of attention on developing music institutions, schools, theaters and extracurricular education, as it is established by the study. Albanian music, based on supporting patriotic, enlightenment ad democratic ideas is connected to music model in most classical or romantic music as being rooted in folk music from the Balkans. The tyranny and the desire to be as the European Culture in its history of last year: It was during this long period of time-almost half century that music compositions in Albania were created. Some early pre- professional attempts to compose the real thing that actually had an influence in some areas. For the first time, these compositions laid the foundations to the first genres in the music of Albania. Secondly, new vocal and orchestral ensembles began to introduce operas by Albanian composers (in some cases with vocals in Albanian language even operas were recorded). Second, These were the years of making endeavors and international struggles (for national identity, for safeguard ofthe frontiers from the unhealthy expansiveness of the neighbor, for example, and sometimes under the pressure of the superpowers ‘interests) and the first years of the attempts to mimic cultures of the developed countries around us. So for working with people and build up of our own cultural identity this was the efforts time. This study is focused Also, on presumptive training of specific conditions that affected and motivated the discipline of musical education in the corpus of general education. An important impact in this survey will have the highlighting of scientific-artistic contribute of personalities stranded out in creation of cultural societies and musical education, an multifunctional contribute helping to improve the musical education in Albanian society that was back warded because of long period domination of Ottoman Empire. Recently this survey will be highlighted on institutionalization of musical education in developed social centers, in general and professional education. This survey will modestly help on tonic arts, mainly in the history of institutionalization of music and arts between Albanians.


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