Use of Ai in Accounting Records in the Banking Sector - Case of OTP Bank in Albania

Nertila Cika and Klea Bitri
Faculty of Economics , University of Tirana


Accounting records are the core of any organization's operation, providing a clear picture of its finances and transactions. Nowadays, with the development of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining immense importance in the field of accounting records. This is due to its ability to analyze and interpret information quickly and efficiently, creating new opportunities for automation and process improvement. This paper analyzes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the accounting records of Otp Bank and offers recommendations to advance the use of this technology in the financial sector. After assessing the benefits and challenges of using AI, a continuous investment in the development and improvement of AI technology is recommended to ensure competitiveness and meet future market challenges. Also, an increase in the capacity and skills of personnel in the field of AI to understand and manage this technology efficiently is recommended. Data security is another priority, so an increased focus on data security infrastructure and policies is recommended. Going forward, using AI to support marketing and customer service strategies amplifies the customer experience and personalizes offers. Cooperation with experts in the field of AI can bring innovation and further success, for which close cooperation with universities and specialized companies is recommended. These recommendations help Otp Bank to fully exploit the potential of AI in accounting records and fulfill its strategic goals in a sustainable and innovative way.


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