What Satisfies and Dissatisfies Albanian Employees at Work?

Erion Piciri
Department of Political Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania


Background. Employee satisfaction is an important factor of motivation at workplace. A happy person has the mindset and state of mind to motivate himself and others to reach the highest level of productivity, while dissatisfaction or boredom are both demobilizing and transmissible, and can affect individual and collective performance. In this study we aimed to investigate the code of happiness of Albanian workers in private companies and public institutions, using a large-scale investigation in national level, during June - July 2023. Methodology. For this study an online questionnaire with 25 questions was designed and electronically distributed to the employees of 15 companies, middle and large businesses, institutions from educational and bank sector, health system, and public administration. 538 employees have responded by submitting their answers. In the present study, we focused only on two closed-ended questions of the questionnaire about the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work. Respondents had the opportunity to select one out of 14 indicators. Findings: Regarding the factors that provide job satisfaction, the 5 most selected indicators were: The work itself (24.9 %), Professional growth (18.6 %), Work conditions (7.8 %), Relationship with other employees (7.8 %), Achievement (7.6 %). Whereas the 5 indicators that provide the most dissatisfaction among the respondents were: Salary (30.9 %), Something else (24.5%), The work itself (6.3 %), Work conditions (5.8 %), Relationship with other employees (5.4 %). Conclusions: The findings of this study show that for most of the employees work itself and relationship with each other seem to be important motivational factors to a greater satisfaction at the workplace, but the financial reward of their work remains a highly demotivating factor for about half of the respondents, contributing to less devoted and dissatisfied employees.


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