The Rights of Children with Disabilities: Access to A Quality Inclusive Education For Them


  • Nejla Peka Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, “Luarasi” University Tirana, Albania Author


children with disabilities, children's rights, Convention for Persons with Disabilities, integrated child protection system


The Convention "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" provides for the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing, as well as the right to continuous improvement of living conditions. The States Parties have the obligation to take appropriate steps to protect and improve the realization of this right without discrimination, due to disability, to ensure the access of persons with disabilities and their families, who live in conditions of poverty, in the assistance provided by the State to cover expenses related to disability, etc[1]. In particular, States Parties to the Convention must guarantee the health services that persons with disabilities need because of their disability, including early identification and intervention as appropriate, as well as tailored services to minimize and prevent the worsening of disabilities, including children[2]. Creating a safe and healthy environment for children is also one of the main objectives of sustainable development of the UN (Agenda 2030 of SDG-es). This paper deals with the right of children with disabilities to benefit from health, social, educational services, as well as any other services, according to the needs determined by the responsible disability assessment structures.


