Towards a More Comprehensive Tuning Model in Project Management


  • Remco Maurits Emile van der Schoot Department of Project Management, The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Padualaan Netherlands Author



Tuning, Coordination, Project management, coordination mechanisms, coordination strategy, interdependence, Explicit coordination mechanisms, agile, tuning model, coordination model


The increasing prominence of modern ‘wicked’ problems has highlighted the importance of effective tuning and coordination (Kettl, 2003; Pietrewicz, 2019; Hjelum & Lægreid, 2019; Peter, 2015). However, the unresolved managerial challenges associated with achieving effective tuning pose a significant obstacle (Christensen, Lægreid, & Rykkja, 2013; 2016). Thus, this study aims to develop a comprehensive tuning model for project management by creating and testing a novel tuning model. Drawing upon Mintzberg's (1991; 1992) theories and Espinosa, Lerch, and Kraut's (2004) ‘integrated Framework of team coordination and performance’ a novel tuning model is proposed. To evaluate the tuning model, a test case was used, employing design research within the framework of critical realism. The test case analysis revealed three key design criteria for an effective tuning solution: interdependence, hours intensity, and user-friendliness. Additionally, the test case produced an effectivity-matrix and selection-matrix for selecting the optimal tuning solution and finally a method to standardize within a dynamic context. In conclusion, the newly developed tuning model along with the effectivity-matrix, design criteria, and selection-matrix, offer practical assistance and insight for project managers seeking to understand, enhance, and evaluate tuning and coordination within their organization and projects. However, further testing and cross-validation of the tuning model is necessary.




