Tax Avoidance in Albania


  • Viola Tanto PhD Candidate in Tax Law, European University of Tirana Author



tax system, tax evasion, avoidance, doctrine of abuse of law, re-characterization.


This paper was written in order of the reforming of the tax system’s framework. Analysing phenomena such as tax evasion, tax avoidance, the use of legal loopholes to reduce tax liability in Albania was very challenged. In this paper is analysed also some other jurisdictions, which have served as a reference model for the reform of Albanian legislation, such as the Italian one and the legislation of the European Union. Recently, we were witnesses of a significant increase, in the quantitative and qualitative level, of tax evasion and tax avoidance. Often, the "battle" between the taxpayer and the contributor in bad faith is based on the probative power (burden of proof) of the elements of the transaction which must be verified by the tax administration. Even more often, this fight takes place over the basis of the correct interpretation of legal norms. Evasion is leaving more and more room for refined avoidance. Avoidance is no longer just the prerogative of big companies, corporations or powerful business groups, but it is turned into an ordinary management instrument for small and medium enterprises, even in special cases, even for natural persons. The paper analyses problems such as: basic and key aspects of tax evasion, by distinguishing with other concepts of tax law, such as tax planning and tax evasion, which are the forms of identifying tax evasion/avoidance, the meaning of the doctrine of abuse right. At the end of the paper, you can find a presentation on all findings and conclusions reached during the analysis of the above problems, and some recommendations for the improvement of the activity of the Tax Administration.


