Instrumental Role of Foreign Language Learning in Public and Non- Public Pre-University Education System in Albania
Valbona Loshi Softa
`Wisdom` Univesrity College
This paper addresses the role of instrumentality in learning foreign languages with focus English language, taught in public and non- public pre-university education system in Albania. Overall, high schools students have stated that learning English is important for many reasons like: career upgrading, with a mean value of item (M=5.6); It makes them more literate (M=5.05); It will help them find a good job (M=5.8); And, learning English is important because other people will respect them more if they speak English (M=4.1). The two-way ANOVA procedure was conducted to examine the mean values for each group of school and differences for the dependent variable instrumental role of the foreign language between three groups of schools: 1.urban public high school with a sample size representation of 63.6%. 2. Rural public high school with a sample size representation of 23 %; 3. Non-public high school with a sample size representation of 13.4%. The ANOVAs Descriptive statistics for the instrumental role according to groups of school found that mean value for the first group is (M= 4.3) ; For the second group is (M= 5.6) ; And, for the third group is (M= 5.4). Post Tukey HSD procedure for comparisons of groups indicated that the difference between urban public and rural high schools is (-1.3) with a non significant value (p= .1, p>.5). The difference between urban public high schools and non- public is (-1.1), non-significant result (p=.87, p>.5). A significant small difference (0.2) for instrumental role of foreign language (p=.041, p<.5) was found only for the comparison of rural public high school and non - public schools. In formal education system in Albania, students attending rural high schools are more instrumentally oriented to learn English compared to their peers attending non public high schools.
Key words: public and non- public pre-university education system, urban and rural high schools, instrumental role of the foreign language