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Auditing and Budgeting with a Gender Focus - Evidence from Inequalities in Academia in Albania

Rezarta Shkurti Perri, Prof.asoc.dr. Rezarta Shkurti Perri, Prof.asoc.dr. Merita Xhumari and Prof.dr. Ingrid Shuli
University of Tirana


Inequalities and gender biased representation have been considered as a recurring problem in academic and research performing organizations (RPOs). The higher you climb in career level in a University or RPO, the less likely it is to find the same level of women. This problem has been tackled through research, initiatives and projects at various national and European level and gender equality is more and more considering to be one of the main priorities in funding for further research project by the European Commission. Auditing and Budgeting with a gender focused aim are considered as possible ways to bring more equality in academia and Universities. While Gender Responsive Budgeting has been implemented at a bigger scale in Public Finance Institutions, its acknowledgement and implementation in private companies is more limited. This article is a case study coverage of attempts to implement a Gender Focused Budget in several RPOs and more specifically at the University of Tirana. We follow a theoretical approach in this paper, by analyzing publications, reviews, articles that are published about gender auditing and gender budgeting and we draw some conclusions that could be helpful in the case of Albania. The example of University of Tirana that has been recently involved in a project for implementing a Gender Equality Plan, under a EU Project will come as a case study at this paper with a focus on the difficulties and challenges encountered so far.

Download ICOC 2021 Proceedings Book Volume 1 ISBN-9781639723959
