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Analysis of Salaries (Motivating Factor for Increasing Performance) in Public and Private Sector Activities ( Case Albania )

Zamira Sinaj
University of Ismail Qemali, Vlore Albania


The evaluation of individual performance has always been an element for the motivation of the employees of the public administration and the increase of its performance. In this study there are efforts done to point out some problems of the evaluation of individual performance as a part of the organization’s culture, which affects the increase of efficiency and consists of the key for a successful management of the public administration. The concept of evaluation must be considered as a psycho-social and administrative process which has its own impacts on the motivation and performance of the public administration. The right relations between them, increase of the evaluation criteria, the combination of the evaluation of individual performance with the respective structure as a strong bond of evaluation and career, use of the method of self-evaluation, evaluation for your superior and your colleague, financial rewards etc, are not only the success of the administration but also guarantee a qualitative management. In many countries of Europe the public sector is going through a deep reformation. The most important element of this reform in the public sector is the incentive related to the reformation of the public administration. This process is necessary to face the challenges and to have better services with few sources possible. The public services are oriented by the input. The structures and the organizational procedures are created in order to involve the employees and need efforts and contribution from them. In the public the results of service department are considered as a product of the efforts and staff's capacities. The requirement of these results is lead by an inspirational vision, which is a clear mission and has some strategic aims, and these aims are transformed in objectives which aim to improve the performance. Improving performance, better services, time spent on the assignments realization, the responsibility and the effectiveness of the programs and public services, are very important to everybody, for the persons who offer these services and for the ones who receive it. But there are a lot of political, bureaucratic and technical hindrances that affect the performance of the Public Administration.