Social Evolution in Sociology

Sandro Serpa
University of the Azores


Abstract: In this reflection, the aim is to critically analyse how Sociology, as a Social Science, can consider social evolution without applying and mobilising this concept in a simply ideological way. Keywords: Sociology, social evolution, ideology, progress. References Cruz MB. Max Weber. In M.B. Cruz, Teorias sociológicas Os fundadores e os clássicos [Sociological theories The founders and the classics]. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. 1995. Ferrarotti, F. (2021). Introductory Remarks on Ideology and Sociology. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 24, 16–38. Ferreira, C. M., & Serpa, S. (2019). Dialogues between Sociology and History. International Journal of Higher Education, 8(6), 112. Ferreira, C. M., & Serpa, S. (2021). Future Anticipation in Sociology. Science Insights, 39(1), 333–341. Gedeon, P. (2018). Social change or social evolution? Arguments for and against social progress in the sociological theory of evolution. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 9(1), 3–33. Javeau C. Lições de sociologia [Lessons of sociology]. Oeiras: Celta Editora. 1998. Paiva, Ana (2014). Pensamento Sociológico. Uma Introdução Didática às Teorias Clássicas. [Sociological Thought. A Didactic Introduction to Classical Theories]. Lisboa: PACTOR – Edições de Ciências Sociais, Forenses e da Educação. ISBN 978-989-693-009-7 Rivière, Claude (1990). Evolucionismo. In R. Boudon, P. Besnard, M. Cherkaoui, & B-P. Lécuyer (Dirs.), Dicionário de sociologia. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, pp. 99-100. Serpa, S., & Ferreira, C. M. (2019). Sociology as Scientific Knowledge. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 9(3), 178–184. Sian, K. P. (2021). Rethinking Knowledge Production in Sociology: A Critical Analysis of the Conceptual, the Methodological and the Institutional. Social Policy and Society, 21(1), 42–53.


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