Analysis of Ship Hull Panels Produced with Sandwich Composite Material.

Mirela Koci
University Ismail Qemali, Vlore, Albania


The recent development in the marine industry with larger ships built in sandwich construction and the use of more advanced materials has enforced improvements of design criteria based on advantages that this typology of constructions brings as an added value. A structural sandwich comprises of two stiff face sheets on a thick lightweight core. One of the benefits is that the sandwich has a very high bending stiffness compared to its weight and it is therefore often used within the aeronautical, vehicle and marine industry where low weight and high load carrying capabilities immediately allow for higher payload. In this study, through simulations in Solid Work, the analysis of the data will be aimed based on the primary indicators related to the performance of the vessel, respectively: the mass of the last panels of the ship, the board, the deck / the mass of the vessel, the displacement in mm of the material due to the action of the maximum pressure, the bending stress of the panels respectively for the bottom, the board and the deck, the ratio of the load to the extension (stress & strain) as well as the degree of deformation for the most loaded panel. The study helps the production sector of small marine vehicles that develop their activity in Albania to choose the most suitable composite material that provides them with a vessel with the lowest mass, being accompanied at the same time with the lowest value of tension in bending as well as the lowest value of panel deformation


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